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  Nov 2014 Tiana Marrel
BertJane Perez
A memory...
A reminder of who you were
Who you are
What you were
What you will be

Think, think, think
Those moments in time
Those ideas
Those dreams
Those thoughts

Who you wanted to be
What you wanted to see

The love, the hate
The joy, the sadness
The simple, the complex

The failure, the success
The dreams
The goals

That's who you are
That's who you were
That's who you will become.
  Nov 2014 Tiana Marrel
BertJane Perez
I write this letter to you
With my last drop of ink
I write to express myself
I write to help you understand

Each letter, each curve
Each line that I make
I write with my last drop of ink

I want to tell you these things
I want you to know me for me
I write to explain
I write for personal gain

With each stroke that I painlessly wrote
With each second it took to write this
I write for you
I write for me
I write for us...
I write with my last drop of ink

— The End —