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  Jan 23 thyreez-thy
Jeremy Betts
I sit here,
Like a beetle on it's back
In a crack of it's own design
Crafted it's own demise
Frantically flailing
Panicking mainly
Legs going every witch way,
Becoming to heavy
To reach out for help
No voice to call out for help
Though it tries
Not knowing it's already dead
Hope is the first thing that dies
Moments from the cruel hand dealt
By life itself
Exposing itself
As deaths right hand man
Still we fall for the bluff
And the universe doesn't listen to
"Enough is enough"
If you don't like it

  Jan 23 thyreez-thy
If I had the words,
Then I wouldn't have to write
You'd look at me and hear a song, instead

The notes are what you'd learn
The rhythm, what you'd feel
A signal flare, illuminating overhead

In kind, we'd bond
Words, lost from you as well
Looking warmly, eyes held in hold

In truth, our smiles would stretch miles,
While in the end,
Our stories remain untold
thyreez-thy Jan 23
A bunny found their way on my screen
Back when my humour was dry and obscene
Who would predict that years later
I'd somehow find no reason to hate her
and long to even have her wish I could be there

To a woman who grew with me, granted in a different direction
Whos personality was striking, infectious
Whenever I get that first paycheck, I'll have you in mind
To gifts you may never see, where I hope in humankind
We meet once more and hug like we never could and thought absentminded

To your eyes, that even caught me off guard on a digital screen
To a hope for a physical gleam
of that beautiful smile you so vicariously show
To your everything, ive been Blown
Away, time and time again, how you've grown

Saranghaeyo, I won't deny it any further
Even if we don't speak, I seek you with vigor
How I'll wait military time, diligent like Bam
I'll buy every piece of merchandise, every Lego, ever hoodie
And then some, Cause surely
I'll meet you properly again, someday

Maybe I'm Shooky, fell on my head with a Mang
The lingo is no fun, when you have no plan
No direction, only seogtan in my Chimmy
Shall I say Tata? Now that I have the gravitas?
Swimming in a direction, so willing

What point is a bias, when one only loves a byeol
A star thats barely known, yet shines in my soul
A human so radiant, her being brings me joy
From naïve to the very opposite of Coy
Willing to give the world, where he hates it himself

I'm sorry, for misusing you with my words and anger
I can't see the band the same, where you brought them, a manager
A genre I'd never in my life get to touch
Is something that makes me miss you so much
And for that, I hope you read this one day and laugh

Son-ga-rak ha teu, I love you Bun Yoongi
The name we figured out together
Please, in this or the next life come find me
And tell me all about Bulletproof Boy Scouts when you see me
Again, I hope
Something that came to me at 4am (Right now, I'm exhausted heh) when I thought of her yet again after a spike of emotions. I wish to show her this one day if Heaven grants me that privilege. BTS is cool.
  Jan 23 thyreez-thy
I like the way you look at me
when were joking and you pretend to be mad
I like the way we can laugh together
at the stupidest things

I like the way you look at me
when we kiss
I like the way you look at me
all i can feel in that moment is bliss

I like when our noses touch
and we cant see each other's eyes
sometimes you look like a spider
with one too many eyes

I like the way you look at me
when you're a little mad
i like they way you come back to me
when it looks like im a little bit sad
Love You
  Jan 23 thyreez-thy
She wanted to hang out today
but guess what, he was sleeping
i hate him so much
i hate how he looks when hes dreaming

she wanted to kiss him
but was to scared
what if they see and he gets trouble
"im just wondering why haven't you kissed me yet"

i swear i wanted to kiss you
and the thing is we've kissed before
actually we've done a bit more
but that day i just couldn't

and im sorry i was sleeping
i think i was trying to forget
how much i miss you
Sometimes i hate him
  Jan 23 thyreez-thy
Henry Akeru
I once knew a land of open skies,
Where hope was bright, and dreams would rise.
Now hunger fills the streets with dread,
And empty hands reach out for bread.
The cost of living steals our breath,
In this place now shadowed by death.

The jobs we cherished now have fled,
Leaving the youth with futures bled.
Once bustling towns are silent, cold,
Their stories now too tired to be told.
The struggle lingers like the air,
In a land that’s lost its will to care.

The high cost of life breaks every heart,
Tearing families, worlds apart.
We sell our days to scrape and fight,
But darkness overtakes the light.
This isn’t the country I used to know,
Now sinking deep, lost in its woe.

My former country, where have you gone?
Your promises fade like the morning dawn.
What happened to the dreams we shared,
The hopes for which we once prepared?
Now we just survive, broken and torn,
In the ashes of a nation worn.
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