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  Jan 23 thyreez-thy
Madeline Clow
At the end of the world
In a cold mountain rage
Where the wind howls on
Blowing the age

If you listen long enough
Perhaps for a day
You'll start to understand
What it has to say

You'll hear voices!..
Near and far
That drone on and on

From the past
From the present
And from here anon

They speak of dreams
So many dreams!
That didn't come true
From horses, from ducks,
And from humans too!

Time can't be found here
In the never fading light
Foggy and cold
All not day long
All not day night

You listen on and on
But you know!
They do say!!
The longer you listen...
the longer you stay...

And you'll stay and you'll listen
Till you forgot you need to ***
And long after that
Till you're no longer free

But what's it to you??
You weren't free hitherto ...
And besides!
This is art!
And... it's sooooooooo

  Jan 23 thyreez-thy
Madeline Clow
Hold open this gaping hole and let the world in as the lies push back with words you want to hear

Hold on to the torch of hope passed onto you from the flames running from the murderous thieves to whom we owe our name

Somewhere lost to me kindess lives on and on People giving everything until they are gone
  Jan 23 thyreez-thy
Salt filled orbs, refusing to fall.
Locked behind a dam, they silently call.
For release, for freedom, for sweet escape.
But they are held captive, in an unbreakable shape.

A hurting heart, a broken Soul
Feelings too deep, to ever be told.
Eyes that deceive, a smile that hides.
The pain that is within, forever resides.

The tears that don't fall, leave an endless ache.
A burning sensation, that no one can shake.
They swim in our eyes, but refuse to spill.
As we hold them back, against our will.
Check out my Instagram @_mjz_poetry_
  Jan 23 thyreez-thy
In her eyes,
a universe unfolds,
Where whispered
dreams and truths untold.
But barriers rise,
a fortress tall,
Against the tide,
I yearn to fall.
This was the entry I used to get invited onto this website! Check out my Instagram @_mjz_poetry_ ☺️
  Jan 23 thyreez-thy
Lim Peh
Not by tempest but sea-sickness
Of Ailments of the mind
of minor consequences
with the exception should
you stay frozen in time
which still passes
this too shall
  Jan 23 thyreez-thy
I am not perfect

I do not fit inside the box

For I decided to be the box

If I were a line I would not be straight

I do not believe in destiny;

Though I romanticize fate

My favorite animal may be a wolf;

Though I identify more with a cat or a fox

And everyone who knows me seems to like me alright

My boss always says I'm doing fine

But if I wasn't, would it be such a crime?

I try to do my best when I can

But there's only so much more I can stand...

Can someone give me a hand?
  Jan 23 thyreez-thy
sarcasm demands
shared intimate history
for it to make sense
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