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My heart hurts
I miss you

This always happens
I feel good around you
I feel safe around you
You make me feel calm

Then I leave
It's not that far
Yet it's far enough

I miss being around you
Holding hands
Listening to your voice
Giggling together
Watching you smile

You make me smile
You make my heart skip a beat
You give me butterflies

I'm falling for you
I'm vulnerable
     Tears are flowing down my face
             And you comfort me
 Nov 2015 andrea
Tommy Jackson
Scatterbrained I stare outside my window pane.
Once clear with a yard fresh the falling rain.
The flowers bloomed as meadow gained.
Now the yard is due for fall leaf change,
As cold will come and snow will show.
The earth renewal in humane plow.
Once the budded seed's
Now dead as the ground.
Venturing into a new phase,
Embarking into another, where sister's and brother's meet on the holiday's. A gravy bowl on Christmas day, thanksgiving for the giving again and again. Grandchildren to dress up as Indian's and pilgrim's, tradition mixed with fiction. Wife in the kitchen. While at that time nothing could be sweeter then my family in my eyes.
 Nov 2015 andrea
Earl Jane

Dazzling turquoise eyes,
Windows to heavenly love,

Your love is heaven.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

i love you my all, my life, my happiness, my peace, my comfort, my love, my home, my refuge, my soulmate, my king!!! Meee mooosssttt!!!! <3
humming slowly
as i sway with this sad song
dancing the rhythm
of this broken sonata
feeling this heartbeat
that started to fade
if only you could see
the dreary tune in this piece
you would rather listen
than see the lyrics within this song
crumpled sheets of paper
scattered all around the floor
with every sheets
there is a written tale of us
seeing this sheets
makes me wonder
when will i be able
to touch the sky?
give me love, darling
give me love cause lately
i am craving for more
give me love, darling
so the tale of these crumpled sheets
will became true
give me love, darling
so this piece will cry with joy
so i beg
like beggar in the street
so i cry
like a baby in a crib
cause lately
i don't understand
why i am craving for more*

give me love, darling

©IGMS 2014
Inspired by the song of ed sheeran
 Nov 2015 andrea
Dead lover
Friends with modesty, honesty and quality
Friends with novelty, loyalty and equality,
Is What all desire,
Friends with disability, social inequality and religiosity,
Friends with 'weird' human ecology, and 'discriminating' ideology...
None wants to acquire..

Some traits of these,
Are undesirable for sure,
But not even a single person of them,
Need to be ignore(d)...

We all are humans, we all are friends,
We all are lovers of humanity,
We all are creators of humanity and
We all are sufferers of humanity...

We all are friends, we all are a family,
We all are a human colony..
 Nov 2015 andrea
Poetic Thoughts
“Introverts, man. We’re weird sometimes. Like, “I love you, but I need to go over here by myself right now.”
I'm such an introvert. #introvert #weird #solitude #bymyself
 Nov 2015 andrea
 Nov 2015 andrea
I don't want to hear a single word you have to say. Knowing you, it's going to be a bunch of "I'm sorry" ******* with a "Don't go to the school with this" thrown in there. Yeah, *******, whatever. I can't even look at you without wanting to break your nose. What makes you think I want to listen to the **** spilling from your liar's mouth? No, thank you. I think I'll survive without a ******* apology for something you probably don't remember.
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