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Jun 2017 · 306
Remember Me Anyway
Sun dust
Come for me
In the between
You rise amidst
The darkness befell
Remember me
Oct 2016 · 1.2k
The sun sets in the horizon of his eyes
We met at a time of war and love
Though these empty hearts were filled with lies
He and I rose above
Where our hearts alike
Free beings flee like doves
Our souls forever intertwined
In another world
He is always mine
Oct 2016 · 593
None Can Die
He held my face and lingered
Eyes like the stormy seas
As if I could see into the world
Where he and I are free
And the sky lit up with clouds
Where love overcomes death
His face unfaded like the sun
For what is lost are only feelings
Moved by the wind unsung
May 2016 · 956
A Maid's Tale
Wait for me
Behind the trees
Of Winter's end
In the meadows
Of Summer's wake
Find me
Beneath the water
Where maids sing
A song of desire
Luring deeper in
The mystery
Of your love
Where there is
A kingdom
Of gold
I remember
To find the door
Through the meadows
Behind the trees
There you will be
May 2016 · 702
Let Me Go
Let me go
Our beats pressed
Into a single tune
Help me
Dance in the light
Find me
Within the shadows
Of your memory
I see your love
Hanging on
A single line
Letting me go
May 2016 · 1.3k
Fairy's Tale
There is silence in our eyes

I see you in the darkness

Of your fading light

Make me believe

That fairies tell tales

Of magic and love

That conquers the world

Yet when time fades

And the earth breaks

Beneath our feet


I once told a fairy

to tell a tale

Of your heart

Even if

It is not paired

With mine.
Jul 2014 · 2.0k
Dear Mr. Rain Man
You appear
When the first
Teardrop of heaven
Falls to the earth

Others long for warmth
Of the sun rise
Yet I find myself
Falling deeper into storms

Your form
Brought about by
Waters of the earth
Where love is created

I see you
In the midst
Of thunderstorms and hail
And I start to pray

Towards heaven I raise
To give me one more
Day of rain
Day of you

I cry for one more drop
As you fade
Into the dew
Of the morning

Let it rain
Let you stay
Let fade
Let me rain
Dec 2013 · 576
The Seed
We used to say
That leaves always fall
Into a place
Where the earth
Calls forth a love
A withering emotion
Where you and I
Shed tears to soil
And let it grow
Though forever it can not
Live to love enough
Jul 2013 · 345
It started with a prickle of fire
A small light of hope
You and I
What could never be
We proved it through

Four blue moons past
Here we are
Standing as strangers
Hearts falling into pieces
Only to break apart

Forever used to be a word
Where you and I was a whole
Now we're just two puzzle pieces
Trying to fit together
Until we end up in wounds

I still love you
With all my heart
But winds pass and light fades
You took the first step
I was just left behind
Jun 2013 · 802
September Rain
Pellets of water scattered in the ground
Bursting like an explosion of memories
We stood amidst the fog of our pasts
Letting the rain cry for all our sorrow

A glimpse of light beyond the skies
Peeking into the darken world
I start to wonder
Do you remember me?

Our past flashed in the nimbus sky
Like a movie late at night
Where were we amidst the great storm?
Washed away like the September rain

The blanket of stars at night
Sparkle each moment you forget me
I start to wonder
Do you see me when you kiss her?

As the birds soar through the sunset sky
We find ourselves dancing under the twilight
Surrendering to fate this unending song
As the light fades to dark

Our palms touch in this sweet surrender
Darkness is our light amidst the forgotten
I start to wonder
Does our love finally start forever?
Apr 2013 · 563
We stand under the starry sky asking,
Did we see the stars fade its light
When we gaze upon them in awe?

We lay on the sand staring to the sky asking,
Did we feel the burn of the sun
When we let its warmth comfort us in the morning?

We dived into the cool waters asking,
Did we feel the crash of the waves
When we we let the water envelope us in calm?

We stand alone in each other's world asking,
Did we feel our hearts already breaking
When we fell in love with each other?
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
The ripples in the water
Your hand dips into it
I look beside me
You're not there

I welcome nightmares
Like the sunlight in day
There I see your face
Losing light in your eyes

Tomorrow is a dreadful friend
Each time he takes away
Something of you
Something of memory

Your smell
Your smile
Your touch
Your love

I don't want to forget
Let the rain fall
Let the skies darken
Just don't make me forget

Let the water ripple in my heart
Let your hand dip into its depths again
Just don't make me forget
Just don't make me forget
Mar 2013 · 1.0k
We Used To Be Dreamers
We used to be dreamers
Like how the moon chased the sun
And all he got were the glisten lights
Of little stars that tried too hard

We used to be dreamers
Like waves pursuing each chance
To reach the hands of the shores
Yet never seem enough to

We used to be dreamers
That painted the sky red
With the burning passion
That blazed stronger than the sun

We used to be dreamers
Where we could paint with fire
And sing with the wind
Like wandering souls travelling by

We used to be dreamers
That sought the stars in each other's eyes
Where no one can surpass us
But who are we now?
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Travellers winding on a starry road
Where to go, where to go
She eyes the moonshine sparkling
Through each corners of the holes
Of the world where darkness consumed
Every little tear
Every little heartbeat
She looks onto him
With starry eyes that fade to light
Searching for a sunlit sky
Why do the stars lie beneath our feet
He asked
She held his hand into the dark and said
Maybe because we are not meant
To gaze above the stars and dream
But put our dreams in the sky and let it shine
Feb 2013 · 469
Dust in The Wind
The flick of her hair
Dust in the wind
He saw from behind
The hidden tear
Where eyes meet
In the stars
That hide
In the sunlight sky
Where is earth
That Gravity tries to hold
We stand close
A distant time in between
You and I
Only feeling
Just dust in the wind
Feb 2013 · 911
There are souls
Out in the open
Trying to reach
A point of light
Into the rays of the sun
Amidst the heavens
Pulling and pulling
Towards the grounded earth
Where they feel alive
Warmth spread like wings
Of an eagle soaring
To the sky
Yet never reaching the heavens
Trying to grasp
Even a glimpse of infinity
We are wandering souls
Travelling with the wind
Leaving a mark
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
The Sleeping Lotus
The eyes of the sun arise
Yet every heart is still unopened
The ocean filled with water of lies

My sight gaze upon their smile
So pure, so whole, so heartfelt
Yet their metamorphosis is what hinders them from the light

Rivers of blood shadow the essence
Blade on blade
The sounding cry have reached the heavens

A sleeping lotus in my hand
Raindrops fall begging it to bloom
Yet still its petals hide away around the grandness

My peace I have sowed within the lands
Only waiting is left to withstand the parasites
And maybe one day they will understand

I stand on the temple above
With my hand close to heart
Hoping every creature would again learn to love
Jan 2013 · 381
Points of Light
Those points of light
Sinking through our souls
When one night
Is not enough

Maybe it was a word
Unspoken by chance
Hidden among trees
That grow like the giants

Where you and I meet
There are stars born
In the sky
That burn even in daylight

Where points of light
Become entwined with our souls
That even if time separates
Our memory will linger
Jan 2013 · 408
Our Own World
When rebels and hearts collide
You and I stand between
Holding on to a world
Where it was meant to be letting go

Swords rain down on us
Driving us apart
Hearts tearing up to pieces
We always ask to survive

Was love not enough?
Like the stars that appear
In the darkness of a sky
Would we be enough?

Let the rain fall
As hard as rocks on the road
Let it pour on us
We wont back down today

Love is enough
When you fist your heart
To fight back hard
With every single thing

Let's hold on
To world that wants us to let go
Let's stand between them
And together form our own world
Dec 2012 · 858
The echoing rain falls
With your shadowy back
In my sight once again
Where I walk towards to
Always in the echoing rain

There the sun hides
Beneath the grim clouds
I find you
Your back like the autumn leaves
A warmth feeling of something lost

If you could only see
What lies beyond these eyes
That wonder all these years
When you'd finally turn and say
I know you too

Because under the echoing rain
In a cold winter past
I stand and wait
For the skies to open
And for you to turn back to me
Dec 2012 · 673
Gwen's Goodbye
When your eyes became the heart of the sun
And your hair shined bright like its rays
I remember you amidst every battle won
And your glory shone through your heart
I see each day passing by
Reliving your hand holding mine
Your laughter the only music I hear
Your love the only feeling I hold dear
When days are dark I will remember you
How you showed bravery and courage
Even amidst evil and death
I live each day
Without you by my side
But every passing morrow
I feel your love rising between the mountains
As the wind greets me hello
Your face I see within the clouds of the heavens
Because though my heart breaks every day
I am happy to have lived a life
Only loving you
Dec 2012 · 647
Every Day
Every Day
You look through me
With eyes that sparkle
Like the evening stars

Every Day
You look to me
To another person
To another eyes

Every Day
I look through you
Hoping to see
That you saw me

Every Day
There is a body
That separates us
From what is real

Every Day
I feel love
Building a stronghold
We could not keep

Every Day
I try to remember
The way the ocean danced
While you fell in love with me

Every Day
I go back
To everyday
With you
In the glimpse
Of our memory
You were there
With bright eyes
Like the moon
That revolved us
Into a world
Of fantasy dreams
Where you are
And I am
Like two lovers
With hands reaching
As worlds part
I remember you
Like the sun
Trying to rise
Amidst golden sky
Where you are
And I am
Will always be
In the glimpse
Of our memory
Dec 2012 · 712
Your hand warm under my skin
I feel you like the sun's breath
Touching me on a winter day
As we sat against each other
Staring into each other's galactic eyes
We see a future
Where stars aligned starts to drift
Away from their places in the galaxy

I placed my hand against your heart
Feeling the drum beat beneath my nerves
Hearing a song that you never sang for me
I held back tears that felt like streams of water
Rushing against a current of memories
You are here
Beneath my skin aching every breath
When your eyes started to tell me

Dec 2012 · 657
The Hollow Tree
Inside the pages of our memory
You sat against the hollow tree
Waiting as the leaves fell like pages turned
With every word tucked behind a door
Of a moment we once lost

Your eyes following the journey of the skies
As the birds danced to a song we once knew
I see you like words piercing through my mind
The story that never leaves
Even with the last period drawn

The rain falls like droplets of tears
And the wind sings a song
A sweet melody of the hollow tree
Telling of a story we once held dear
Penned inside the pages of our memory

You sat against the hollow tree
Inside the pages of our memory
And try to listen to the beat of a pumping vessel
Just waiting
Dec 2012 · 888
Do you remember
When we were just stars
Dancing in the sky
Shining bright for the universe
And wonder of its beauty

Yet one day we knew we'd fall
Right through the clouds
Of a planet that nests lovers
Like you and I
Yet so much different

They boast of passion and pain
Hunger for love
Unlike the stillness we have above
Their fire burns us and we yearn
To be like them

And so we did
Become man and woman
Bearing beating hearts
Like fire flicking skyward
Yearning for some depth in height

Yet we never knew
How heartbreak crushes us
An other worldly feeling
That compared death to a friend
Shattered like the asteroids that wandered endlessly

Do you remember
When we were just stars
Falling into earth's grasp
Our lights flickering dim
Replaced with hearts that burned

Burned like the torch of a sun
Rooting deep into veins of passion
We are reborn into a world
Of love and most of pain
Without regret of ever becoming beings of love
Dec 2012 · 7.8k
My heart is a snowflake in your palm
Beautiful yet fading away
With the trees whispering in my ear
Winter doesn't last forever

My heart is a snowflake in your palm
Sinking into your skin
The coldness a memory of pain
Though soothing like the warm sun

My heart is a snowflake in your palm
Beautiful yet fading away
Evaporated into the wind with a whisper
Winter doesn't last forever
May 2012 · 630
The Lover of the Wind
You are the wind that dances through my heart
With every step I remember
The enchanting sweetness of your smile
Blowing flowers into my world

Your tears break my heart like an abandoned chair
When your memory faded just to see me one last time
When your heart thumped hard and I left it broken
When your unrequited love begged for a second chance in the next life

You are the knight that rides to take me away
You grasp my heart like a child in desire
Without you, the sun seems to be always hidden beneath the skies
And forever was always never enough

You are the wind that dances through my heart
And your love breezes into my very soul
Never fading
Never ceasing
Apr 2012 · 816
The White River
The river water turns white
As rain turns to falling stars
In every spark I find you

Every tear turns into bullets
That punched through your heart
Though blown up mine

I see you under every lamp post
Waiting with smiling eyes
Waiting for me

Was the letter written too late?
Was the song sung too late?
Was I too late?

I let the water flow
Til they turn into a river of memories
Ever flowing

The river water turns white
In every falling star
You are there
Mar 2012 · 1.6k
Mermaid Tears
The strings of your music
Entangled with the vines of my heart
As the moon shines bright tonight
I wished for rain to make tears in my eyes

The waves sing a song
The wind whispers a secret
Even the birds could cry
Why cannot I?

Droplets of salty water
Are they not the same
As the sea water that sheds in my face
A million more tears for you

Your footsteps dance on the strings of music
Entangling with the vines of my heart
Upon the bright moon tonight
I wished for real tears to cry
Feb 2012 · 1.2k
You stand under the moonlit sky

The stars fade

The dawn broke

Still waiting
Just waiting
Feb 2012 · 922
I trace the butterflies
Flying inside your eyes
With the tip of my fingers
I start to remember

Once upon a time
In a faraway land
There lived a girl
Who danced with the butterflies

My hand starts to trace down
With the bunnies that hop
On the bridge of your nose
Like the ***** of a meadow

Mermaids swim gracefully
In the rivers of your lips
Waving back at me
With smiles sparkling like the stars

Drops of rain starts to fall
Where the butterflies fly
There I remember
The girl looking back at me
Jan 2012 · 904
I Am the Other
I am the other
Under the painted sky
Where I am invisible
Even in the rays of the sun

I am the other
That waits in the riverbanks
Scooping memories with my hands
And draw your feet walking behind me

I am the other
Dipping into your waters
And in the ripples of your memory
I begin to fade

I am the other
Who wishes upon the stars
To fly me to another world
Where you and I

Can no longer be the other.
Dec 2011 · 1.4k
The big star sparkles in the sky
Between night and day
There I found you
Butterflies in your lips

If the sun rose at night
And stars fall down each day
This love you call
Would it be for another?

If the moon woke at day
And clouds sparkled
Will time allow to be still
And let me keep you in heart

Beyond the next star
These lines could cross the same sea
Yet would our hands touch the same palms
And recognize the stars of yesterday

Someday strangers will pass by
This jungle of nothingness
And find you standing still
With arms wide open

Someday strangers will pass by
This sea of emptiness
And find me floating still
With arms wide open

Someday strangers will pass by
This city of the sky
You and I standing still
Just like strangers passing by
Dec 2011 · 535
For A Friend
Trees faded in the wind
Your smile like the bloomed flower
Even the sun awakens
Even the rain cries

Our lines remotely connected
But in another place
I felt your pain
Through an abandoned room

Now I stand
With words like birds
Hopeful to reach
Your heart that is poached

Tears may never be enough
To lift the nail from the wood
Yet through every rip
Feel that He is there for you

The black and blues may invade
Yet hold on to the weapon of faith
Where mercy and grace is born
Through the Love that began it all

The skies may seem gray
In every waking day
Still walk on the road
That shines to the emerald paradise
Dec 2011 · 518
Her hand felt like snow
He remembered
When forever used to be
And death had taken it away

She was the tree
That always bloomed flowers
He was the bird
That always took refuge

She had to wither
Like a fragile rose
He wanted to hold on
When she had let go

The sky turned grey
On a summer day
He stood
Feeling the wind

Where oceans end
Where skies meet
Her love exist
In the depths of his heart
Nov 2011 · 452
Of Forever
There is the wind
Like droplets
Of water
I see you
In the midst
Of the forest
I never knew
Amidst the jungle
Of forever
You hold me
Close enough
To break
Every pain
To erase
Every scar
To love
Nov 2011 · 604
The footsteps of the rain
Come in silence
With wind like feathers
The only comfort

The coldness of the crowd
Where tears are forbidden
Kept locked in another door
I can only smile in aching

The wind blows
To my companion
It is the only one
Jul 2011 · 1.7k
Being numb.
It is possible after all.
To feel numb.

After all those years, tears dry up and though fear still remains.
Not all of it anymore.
There's just stillness. Numbness.

You try to care. Meaningless.
Whatever happened?
I wanted to know too.

It has already reached an end.
Years ago.

We're just trying too hard.
To hold on.
To pretend.

When nothing's there.
To hold.
Jul 2011 · 490
The Early Dawn
The early dawn
Makes pain harder
To steal a second
But always impossible

If love
Like a box of smiles
Hearts would flutter
Pain would change

Yet to smile
They fade to waters
Yet to cry
They fade to scars
To love but fade away

The early dawn
Would not let thieves in
To steal a smile, a laugh
Only memories gone
Jul 2011 · 633
The city that lies beyond the sunrise
For a split second
Like love it was beautiful
Only to have it gone the next

A place of dreams
Treasured forever
In a box of memories
Only to be faded away by pain

A drop of tear
Into the waters of eternity
Forever painful
Forever gone

The city that lies beyond the sunrise
Even for a split second
Take the pain
And leave love behind
Apr 2011 · 507
Til I am Home
Touched by heart
To know
That You're there
Waiting for me

The world is a shadow
That disappears
In a blink of an eye
Compared to what is above

Heart hurts
Each time
You are pierced
All over again

To say sorry
Will never be enough
Yet You still

You're waiting
For someone
Like me
Is worthless

Yet You always
Tell me that I am
You'll even be running
Only to hold me

Til Kingdom come
Til I'm also running
Til tears are no more
Til I am home
Apr 2011 · 3.6k
He is Home
The smile on his face
Seem to light up the room
Yet tears are all falling
That smile beneath the framed glass

Every drop
Of tear
Of pain
Is saying 'I miss you'

Gone too soon
Is there ever really a time
Only when that hand stretched out
You hold it and know it's time

Is where he is
Right now
And forever
Apr 2011 · 493
Wind That Passed
Wind that passed
You left
No reason
No goodbyes

Time that passed
Tears undried
Heart that
Always broke

Moments that passed
You came
A new heart
You held

Wind that passed
Tears undried
You came
I left
Mar 2011 · 720
Mermaid Tears
He passed by
Like the blow
Of the wind
That only ever
Passed by

Promises broken
Hearts shattered
Could there be more?
I kept silent
And dare not wonder

The music
Slowly fades
Away with the wind
Where no one can hear
Not even your heart

Would you stay
If I begged
With tears
That only
Fall for you

Turned away
My heart broke
Like a thousand
Bubbles that popped
I have gone
Feb 2011 · 595
And Then Let Go
The rain fell on a sunny day
I stood amidst your way
I held out my hand
You only turned your back

Tried to utter a word
Yet the rain only poured
I just wanted to know
And then let go

My heart tried not to explode
As your hand I tried to hold
Yet every step I made
You're always a step away

The world was once ours
We had everything written in the stars
Your hand I just wanted to hold
And then let go

The wind has blown
Everything now is thrown
A last beat of the sound
And no more beats to pound

Perhaps you'll never know
How much I once loved so
My heart just wanted to show
And then let go
Feb 2011 · 505
The signs keep appearing
The lights slowly blinding
Every sight that I could get
The beginning is the end

Will I be too late
Even when I tell to wait
To change and plead
To not yet take me away

For I know what comes
When the light become
Everything I dream
But not yet ready to stream

Wait for me, I whispered
I will try not to hover
And just look forward
No more of being coward
Jan 2011 · 577
Each day the world gets smaller
Yet our distance keeps getting farther

The pain that was planted
Has grown fruits of regret

The door that you closed
I kept opening each day

The hope that you threw away
I kept picking up each day

The beauty of the sky
Rains on me like tears

I try to deny
But tears can never lie

Pieces of you in my hands
I slowly let the wind drift them away

Regret will pay me a visit
But only for a while

To let go or to hold on
I try not to decide now

And just let the wind
Drift me away
Jan 2011 · 620
It Still Wasn't You
From afar
I recognize
That familiar face

The blurry contacts
that hindered my sight
Let me think it was you

I got nervous in an instant
Not knowing what to do
My heart started beating fast

Yet with only footsteps away
I froze in silence
Like time had stopped

My heart fell
It was relieved
Yet also broken

It wasn't you
Til this time
It was never you
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