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 Feb 2018 The Black Beast
My mother is the reason why I obsessively buy books
But never read them.
She taught me to value learning, to seek knowledge and truth.
This afternoon she comes in carrying “Botany In A Day”
While all of the great classics of history sit dusty on the shelves.
(Speaking of shelves, and dusty, unopened things)
I bought her a sandy pink candle for her birthday.
She loves candles. But never buys them, never burns them.
One night I lit the flame - she came over to me:
“Why did you do that? The smell is going to give me a headache”
But you love candles, I say, if you love them why don’t you light them?
“I’m saving them.” For what? I ask, when is this special candle day?
“Angela, just leave the candle in the drawer, please.”
And I think that sentence sums up her entire relationship with me.
"that’s true. I always save everything for special occasions which never come." - mom
 Feb 2018 The Black Beast
I see you everyday,
I hear you everyday,
I watch you everyday,
But it will never be enough.

I am with you everyday,
I work with you everyday,
I live with you everyday,
But is still isn’t enough.

I see your eyes,
your face,
your hands,
your hair.
Your clothes,
your walk,
your skin,
I desperately want more, but it is never enough.

During the day, you are with me.
At night, you are without me.

I hate it.
I want you to myself,
yet I don’t know how.
You call me emotionless
I call you an unobservant
You call me ridiculous
I call you rude

But then you unironically said I’m brilliant.
You said I’m fantastic.
That I’m amazing.
I’m a genius.

You are the first.

You are different.

You were different from the start.
I began to see it when we met and you didn’t hate me.
You are the first.

You are different.

I wanted a friend.
I took you unwillingly on an adventure,
And you loved it.

It healed you.
I knew it would.

I was jealous.
I took you away from your ‘friends’,
and you hated it.

It helped you.
I knew it would.

I wanted help.
I took you away from your job,
And you loved it.

It was your favorite time of the day.
I didn’t know that.

You wrote about us,
I wrote about ash.
You wrote about our work,
I wrote about perfume.

I told you what you wrote was silly.
I loved your writing.
I loved our flat.
I loved our job.

Now it has changed.

I grew up realizing perfection doesn't exist
But if it does, I think you are the closest meaning of it
Your hair again falls stylish without effort
Your dimples showing off
Your music tickles my soul
It touches the very strand of my allured mind
Your shine is more than enough
To light up my world forever- like in movies
I couldn't forget the day I saw you on the screen
You are making the huge crowd admire you more,
Without even noticing it,
They shout your name with enthusiasm
As my heart does when I'm never existing to you
Just plain. You and your bass, you set the stage on fire
You hit every note with the so-called "perfection"

I knew it was back then
I couldn't forget every detail of how you looked
I memorized everything I recognized about you
Curly hair, charming eyes, gorgeous dimples
They mean "perfection" to me

Sounds eccentric but my mind is dictating
That we should know each other, we must
Too bad, we didn't. Not even a single glance of dejavu
Our lives resides on different galaxies
No memories, no talks, no interaction - plain nothing
I tried to search our lost, stolen moments
But I got nothing but eyes full of tears
Begging the Divinity to somehow collide our stars
But no. Because I forgot the most important thing
You are the bright star and I am a dead asteroid's dust
A particle unseen in a vast majesty of celestial bodies
All I could do is watch you from here, lightyears away
You are embracing the sun.
A dust like me will never be the sun.
I'm crying. Zildjian, this one's for you. I really hate it when I admire someone too much that my admiration became equivalent to the amount of pain I felt realizing I'm just a fan. JUST a fan forever. But what should I do? I love being a fan of you.
im constantly caught up in the past,
in the what-ifs,
in the what-could-have-beens.

the future scares me,
so i retreat to nostalgia.
my favorite friend.

she makes my heart so sad,
yet so full of joy.
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