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 Oct 2014 Teri Bennett
I strive to be
like a Bo-Tree,
Dwelling so Deep
my Roots that Seek
water and nutrients from soil

Yet High I Rise
To be more Wise
by embracing
the nourishment
of Light!
This came to me when I was looking at the Pipal Tree in my garden. It has grown very tall in 8 years, and it's roots have spread far and deep.

This can be looked at from different perspectives:

1. To be strong and rooted to one's own principles, ethics and moral values. And building on them one should have a tendency to always learn something new, to attain wisdom.

2. To be strong believer of good age old teachings, traditional way of life that we are so accustomed to, that are passed on to us by our elders but also welcoming new changes and good reforms in the society.

Please feel free to reflect on your thoughts and express your perspective.
 Oct 2014 Teri Bennett
I go up
Then go down
My head is spinning around
First I'm gregarious
Then I'm diffident
Chaos starts to begin
As new pages rip in
I get irascible
When people ask me questions
I'm an emciated person
With stress going about
With this bipolar linking on
Tears begin to crowd
To a laughter if mismaze
My relationships are hard
For I cannot keep one
For this bipolar is to strong
I wish I could be normal
And not take pills
But bipolar has controlled me
To my birth to my will
I will have it till the end
Till I'm old and grey
It's going to be a part of me
Forever and today
Was it because,

   I wore black?
   I wore make up?
   I colored my hair blue?
   I listened to different music?
   I didn't play sports?
   I had few friends?
   I didn't say Hi to you?
   I didn't wave to you?
   I didn't go to prom?
   I didn't fit in with the norm?
   I was fat?
   I was skinny?
   I was gay?
   I was black?
   I was Asian?
   I was white?
   I wasn't as beautiful as you?
   I wasn't on the honor roll?

Or was it because
I was just being me?
Dedicated to everyone that has felt this way and to memory of Sophie Lancaster and her boyfriend, Robert Maltby
 Oct 2014 Teri Bennett
Poetic T
My words are dying
they lie lifeless
Upon my tongue,
A heavy weight jars my
Jaw open,
& words leave a
Decomposing taste in my mouth,
My throat is slowly
From the dead words slipping
Down my throat
As the words clog out the sound
They once flew with wings upon
The air, heard no more
My words have died
They lie dead on my breath
No longer heard with *sound
the stars are ours
the moon is too
we've got it all
me and you
our love sticks
like a treacly
we sure make
flames of passion
as we mix
our potent

baby them days
aint done with yet
we can still stir
the furnace of love
you bet

snow is on the roof
but the blood remains hot
why don't you and I
go on a sultry trot

the stars and moon
ever say
that love's embers
the gods of musical innovation
did gift one man
with all the talent
fifty years of his magnificence
hath graced albums and CD's
his stellar performances
can't be outdone
in the eyes of his fans
he'll always be number one
Robert Plant
hath stamped
a place in the fields
doesn't do him justice
nor any other word
the world of ROCK MUSIC
hath come to know
an extraordinary man
Stairway To Heaven
Lotta Love
Black Dog
so many tunes
that we've come to love
the seed of his mastery
shall play ever so
in the galleries
of his dreams
the most voluptuous women could be seen
these mirages of his mind
were so real
in his REM moments

curvacious pillowed thighs
******* of tantalizing appeal
sensual libations
his hands could touch
e'en the petals of the flower's
moistened entree

the night hours of sojourning
to the female forms frames
did bring him pleasure
with the colors and textures
they did supply
how he so wishes
they were at his command
in the waking hours
of day light
let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now
let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now

let love anchor on the shining beams
let it flow through us as a crystal stream
let it stay till the end of time
let it ring within us as a dulcet chime

let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now
let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now

let love grow eternally in our hearts
let it array in each and every celestial chart
let joy be the wonder we'll get to know
let our affections always show

let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now
let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now

let our world be a place of love divine
let the planet's twosomes ever entwine
let love's song of endearing go on endlessly
let it rain its happiness so beautifully

let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now
let's catch the moonbeams
let's catch them now
In the bag of death he lay,
all zipped up, here to stay.

Upon his toe, there hangs a tag,
Dead on Arrival, lies on the slab.

Eyes closed shut, red everywhere.
Taken away,  nobody cares.

His pain is gone, he cries no more.
Silence is simple, down to the core.

Shot in the chest, wouldn't you know?
Another victim is gone named John Doe.
About the senseless killings on our city streets around the nation.   Stop the violence.
A pretty beast, a flaming heart.
Fires ignition, all for art.
Strands of ribbons.
Tangled up intrinsically.
In elastic,
Beauty bound.
From depths within the psychic hold.
Cold as snow drops.
They're kissing the rain.
Warm as ribbons, a little frayed.
Summer for winter winds,
Come along pray let us trade.
Beat winters marching.
His tyrant, his tirade.
Sharp and ****.
Poetic art.
Barter with him for lost summers bliss.
(C) Livvi
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