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  Oct 2015 Tamera Pierce
The time flies by
I wait for my time
but it never comes
Never have I been sadder than
the time I lied
to the Ice-cream man
I did have a five.
Yay. 8th period thoughts!!
  Oct 2015 Tamera Pierce
My mind is always kneading
The regrets in my mind
If  it doesn't stop
It just might die
I'm so very regretful
But you still hold
That grudge
Even after my silent pleas
You just won't budge
How many times
Do I have to cry
Myself to sleep
Before you can hear
My heart weep
Please forgive me
Let the past go
Let the dust settle in our minds
This is part of a slam poem I wrote for my English class. :3
  Oct 2015 Tamera Pierce
When life gives you lemons
You make lemonade but what do you do
when life hands you sorrow
and confusion
I don't know
Do you know?
What do I do when the one
I love forgets all
About me?
What do I do when my friends
Always have my back
But I second guess
Having theirs'?
Am I supposed to feel bad or
Feel delighted?
Should I succumb to my emotions
Or dominate over them?
All these questions
Without a single answer
Well I guess that's fine
For the time being
  Oct 2015 Tamera Pierce
Mike Essig
my brain burns
and i can't sleep

too much poetry
too many difficult books

a part of my head
has popped open

i believe i have
a metaphysical hernia
brought on by
too much thinking

only one thing to do

truss it up tightly
and turn on reality TV

after a few episodes
my brain turns to mush
and the swelling

brain dead bliss
not a synapse firing

absolute relief
of no thought

perfect slumber
of the seriously
Actually, I don't own a TV. :)
  Oct 2015 Tamera Pierce
You say I'm rude because I don't say hi
I don't remind you that I tried
I waved and smiled and called your name
Each time you ignored me all the same
It's all right though, I don't really mind
At least I know that I tried
I think I'm going to stop trying so hard
Tamera Pierce Oct 2015
I'm sorry that your young life
was interrupted by mine
"just a kid"
3 words to break my heart

but as you grew older
and your excuse became invalid
I was still insignificant
forgetting me
like a French fry at the bottom of the bag

for years
I tired to call out for you,
to reach you,
I became soggy,
when all I wanted was for you to need me

as time continued on
you ignored me still
my love and need grew cold
your lies got old
and I quit missing my father
the one that I never got to know

All I wanted
was to end my pain's appetite
the be wanted
but it's not all your fault
stranger too
forgetting me
just as you do
but maybe
if you would have loved me
held me
before I became so bitter
if you hadn't forgotten me
like that one, tiny French fry
in the bottom of the bag
just maybe
I could have been the very best French fry that
you've ever had.
  Oct 2015 Tamera Pierce
Just Melz
Consumed by a life
    She couldn't handle anymore
          Ashamed by desires
       Too desperate to score
               It's just too addicting
   She wants nothing more
Watching everything she loves
            Walk out the door
    Finds money where she can
         But still living life poor
          Too smart to get too involved
     And too dumb to ignore it
             She don't even care
      They all call her a *****
Now thinking, as she sees the knife
           This isn't what she prepared for
    But with a little thought, she knows  
It's what she's always had in store
              As she lays, bleeding out
     On her ****** kitchen floor
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