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Starry Aug 2019
Princess mononoke
Stands there
In deep though
As she asks her self
"what's my next move"
"What to do to
Save the forest God."
As she askes these questions
She comes up with
Colm Apr 2016
Wild and untamed.
She stretches out, like a shadow from the base of a tree.
Features pale as the river shale, eyes cool and clear like the rushing stream.
A forest child with a wild streak.
Intent on keeping the forest free of pestilence.
She roams the earth, with a pack of wolves her pounding feet.
Yet she cares for all of the birds and beasts, as if they were her family.
Like a ghost so she appears to me, beyond trees.
Her Mononoke name be known, but behind the mask I'll never see.

— The End —