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Haadiya Sunasara Aug 2020
Being an Introvert,
Doesn't mean being aloof nor rude
It is rather an art of living....alone
Our shyness is mistaken for insolence
And our being alone for having an attitude
Our trusted companion(mind) gives all the company that is needed
It fills us with thoughts so deep,
Another would drown in them
Feeling are so pure,
Angels would bow down to them
Introverts are gravely misunderstood
HRTsOnFyR May 2015
Words catch in my throat.
A thousand fears chew at my fingertips.
Terror... Valour.... Loneliness.
It all amounts to shadows on the river.
Lights play over living currents,
Her fluid movement
Shifts the gleam across the waves.
Courage is a trembling lip,
A denial of self,
A strangulation of excess emotion;
Amidst temptation...
Amidst the tempest...
Amidst self doubt.
Somewhere the steel of your jaw
becomes more than a daydream.
Morphine can't even ease this pain.
I lose my breathe.
I wait for death.
And yet, somehow, I wake again.
adshimabuko May 2014
Most of us write
of how bitter
our first kisses

tasted like
a limited edition candy
found in an old candyshop
after three years

exhaled smoke
of  your first
mentholated cigarrete

it tasted
like home
after years of
being lost

— The End —