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And I’m stupid
To care

To scream internally
Gasping for breath
Heart pounding
It isn’t going to last
It can’t
It won’t

I know I can’t have her
But if I can’t have her
She’s going to be the death of me
He doesn’t deserve her
How can you be so blind?
Crushing on dumb boys who don't deserve you

Unable to move on from a toxic guy
With the maturity of a 5-year-old
Who lies and manipulates and takes
the most amazing person in this entire **** world
for granted

I want nothing more than to beat him to a pulp and
throw him in the
garbage where he belongs
Because no one is allowed to hurt you
I'm so angry
My mind is racing
How dare he
You could do so much better than him
So much better than anyone
(So much better than me)

What kind of sicko has the best girl in the whole entire universe
and throws her away?

I don't know what to do
But he does not get to get away with
I've never wanted to punch someone so bad
This isn't even a poem just me raging
Why doesn't she see?
Why does it hurt so bad?
She only likes this new guy because he's telling her about all the **** her ex did
Neither of them will ever come close to deserving her
Your smile
Your laugh
Your face
Your hair
Your gentle touch
It's just too much
And so unfair

You're just too beautiful
I never stood a chance
You had me, love, with just a single gorgeous glance
from those chocolate eyes of love and peace
That have me chasing butterflies
Cross fields of flowers, gentle seas
Paper masterpieces
And you feel just like a sunset sky
I see you when I close my eyes
And I could spend eternity just
watching you sleep

Falling hard, pretending I'm alright
We're opposites but we work just fine
Thinking about you all of the time
And I really really really just wish you were mine
Wish you were mine

Now I lie awake in bed
Daydreaming of what could've been
If maybe things were different
And I didn't have to be so scared
But I just fantasize instead
Of what it could be like
To call you mine

When we embrace, I breathe in your scent
You're heaven-sent
Like honeysuckle on evening breeze
Or morning mist
And falling leaves
And I could spend eternity
With you, I'm wrapped around your sleeve so tight
And I hope I never let go

Falling hard, pretending I'm alright
We're opposites but we work just fine
Thinking about you all of the time
And I really really really just wish you were mine
Wish you were mine


It's funny how I tell you everything but this
how you consume my brain like a wild Florida hurricane
That's named after you
And it's beauty and destruction all in one

I don't want to lose you
If life was perfect, I'd be with you
And then reality wouldn't be
can never

Falling, falling falling, falling,
crashing, burning, drowning, dying
You are my undoing
and it's an honor
to be poisoned
by your perfectly drawn flowers
That you adorn my hand with ease
And I just ask Lord, please
Please just one miracle
I promise I'll be good
She's just so beautiful
And better than I ever could be
Why can't she be with me

Falling, falling, falling, falling
Losing the battle with these feelings
Her image haunts my mind in graceful poltergeist screams

Falling hard, pretending I'm alright
We're opposites, but we work just fine
Thinking about you all of the time
And I really really really just wish you were mine
Wish you were mine
I rarely get inspiration for songs, but sometimes they just pour out of me, like they've been building up inside and I just have to let them out. This was one of them.

It seems to be a blend of just about every single music genre there is- can I even legally call that alternative?
I don't have a type...
Oh, but it seems that I do
What is your type, you ask
Those who do not like me back
You are a flower
Blooming on a page
Drawing everyone near
With your sweet smell
And elegant glory

You are so beautiful

I long to pick you
To hold you in my hand
And breathe in your scent
And cherish you close

But I can only
Admire you
From afar

Your masterpieces
On my wall

It shouldn’t hurt this much
I've known you for years
We're best friends
There are so many bad ways
that this nightmare could end

When we first met
you said not a word
Yet somehow, even then
something in my heart stirred

As we grew older
we began to get close
Never thought you could like me
a miracle, I suppose

I can't do this without you
not anymore
My heart breaks a little
when you walk out the door

I don't really trust
I tend to put up walls
But you make me feel safe
so I tell you it all



in love
with the ones
I can't

It's the story of my life:
Passionate love,
but doomed from the start.
Inevitably, we

I lose the friendship
I was
clinging to,
believing that this pain, I will never lose

I cry
a lot
and write a few songs,
and then,
after a while,
I just

But not


I swore to myself I wouldn't do this again. But this is different. We've known each other for such a long time. We're best friends! And this wasn't a stupid "fireworks moment", but an attraction built on long-term trust and adoration and friendship. THIS IS NOT A POEM


Words cannot describe what I feel for you. Maybe I'll try again later, when I'm not so tired, and the words flow easier
(If that will ever happen)
Genuinely what is this? Don't even bother reading this, it's as ******* up as my brain right now
Love is its own telepathic language/that we will never truly be able to translate/no matter how hard we try/how much we ramble on/in poetic verse/trying to explain something using sound waves/I wish I could open my mind up to you/so you could feel the telepathic love I write each day/in my heart/ like a passionate song/ in a drowned ship in a bottle/stained and covered by water/so all the ink blurs/ you can no longer read it/but you know whatever is hidden there is profound
This is mortifying.
It appears I've literally forgotten how to write a poem
I must be

How else can you explain the stubborn butterflies in my stomach?

They are maroon and baby blue, and look like seashells and melodic laughter

You make me feel

I didn't know I was still capable of that

When everything is falling apart
You are the glue holding me together

I don't understand. I thought only God was perfect,
but you are nothing if not perfection

I adore you-
talking to you
and laughing with you
and putting my head on your shoulder
(you said you like it)
and any time I am around you,
just watching you
hearing you
basking in your beauty

You are as beautiful as the masterpieces you create
I wish you were mine
You will never be mine

You deserve the world
I wish I could give you the world
I wish you could look at me the way I

I wish we could be

That when I want to kiss you so bad it hurts,
I don't have to stop myself
Squeeze my eyes shut
One, two, three
Take a deep breath
and go back to being
f  r  i  e  n  d  s

I love being your friend
(I love you)
I want to be your friend forever
But I want to be the friend you kiss
the friend you curl up on the couch with,
entwined together
sharing a blanket and watching whatever you want
The friend you confide in, whisper in my ear all of your secrets and pain
The friend you let hold you close, and tell you how beautiful you are
and not in a platonic way

Because you are the cool breeze sending shivers up my spine
And you are the Caribbean sun bringing peace and warmth to my soul
You are the crash of the waves against the rapid beating of my heart
You are a multitude of maroon butterflies flurrying in my stomach
You are my siren song, luring me into the pain of loving you
You are my undoing
and it is an honor

Part of me hopes I move on
But another part of me, a desperate and passionate part of me, swears I never will.

And some tiny part of me still holds on to the
that you see me the same way

I always knew I was crazy,
but this is just

Because we're best friends
And you don't have a clue

How I wrap you in a tight hug and find it near impossible to let go
I breathe you in as tears ***** at my eyes
I whisper a goodbye and a "love you" in your ear
Because best friends are allowed to do that
Then, I watch you walk away
as I cry a little on the inside
ok, cry a lot on the inside

I hate school
but I still look forward to every exhausting day
because I get to be exhausted with you
Because you'll be there
and that makes it worth it

Do you even notice me as more than a friend to laugh with?
Do you think about me when you sit alone in your room at night?
Think about my singing, or the way I looked at you when I told you how perfect you are?
The way I tuck my hair behind my ears when I work
Or how I'm always so excited when you ask me for a mint
Or how I trust you more than anyone else?

Do you notice little things about me
like I do about you?

Like how adorable your laugh is, and how it hitches slightly depending on your mood
Your giggle of alarm and delight when I try to trip you and somehow end up tripping myself
The way you examine yourself in the mirror, searching for a nonexistent flaw
How you still ask me about the state of your lipliner, even after I accidentally let you walk around with a bit of it on your chin before you noticed
How you secretly love singing, but are too shy to do it in front of people
How absolutely hilarious you are when people care enough to listen
The way you squint when you draw, turning your head every which way to perfect every line, every detail
The way you flush with quiet pride when people compliment your work

I can't imagine life without you
But I imagine life with you

It hurts to keep this a secret
But you can never know
I refuse to ruin our friendship
It's all that's keeping me sane

It must not be doing a very good job though, because I'm still
Still can't write a love poem to save my life
I had to get these feelings out though
Wow, this is way longer than I anticipated

— The End —