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Whispers of the night,
Raindrops dance on rooftops low,
Dreams drift in the hush.
For @Liana and @erin, two young poetesses who should be commended and praised for the connections they make through words.
A haiku for you both, my way of saying thank you for the words you share.💙💙💙
Nobody Nov 2024
I love the way you write
I love the way you comment on so many poems
I love the way you post so often
I love the way you bring happiness and poetry
I love the way you show others you care
I love everything I know about you
(Platonically of course)
In the rare case you couldn't guess who I'm talking about, it's... (drumroll please)
Liana is always so nice to us and comments so many positive things. Nobody is truly grateful though 😤 let's show Liana we care <3
everybody go like/love/comment on as many poems of hers as possible. she deserves appreciation :D
sofia Feb 2018
i fear that when i love
it is far to much like a vine.
always longing to cling
and unable to grow alone
feeding off the sap of another
deteriorating any of my host trees
competing for their light

heavily vine laden trees grow more slowly
produce fewer seeds
less fruit
and due to their deteriorative effects on trees
most people seem to advocate the removal of vines.

i fear that when i love it is far too parasitic.
a poem about loving with dependant personality disorder

— The End —