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Tint Aug 2018
Will my hunger be fed
when there's nothing I gave care
Not enough emotion to let me dwell within
The thirst for jurisdiction
for love and affection
They all seem to not possibly exist

The reasons attached in strings
that I tied my heart onto
Now a broken stationaire
with a bleeding soul in ropes
I watched the sun to fall.
Was it reality at fault?
Or my irregular recalls
of events that might be false

I just
I don't know anymore.
Rhys Michael Aug 2015
We could never have had it all
That was our greatest downfall
You wanted everything to be right
And I messed us up in time

You said I was a whirlwind of contradiction
Sunny one minute and a downpour the next
You couldn't recognise the chaos behind my eyes
Or understand the trouble that left me tired

You hated my mess and reckless ways
Those times I'd sit completely hazed
You hated not knowing what was on my mind
But I couldn't divulge the dark that I hide

I wanted to be pure for you
And left unscathed from my ways
But even with a burning heart -
I still knew how to be cold from the start

In the end, everything you said was fire
When you couldn't get my mind right
We said some things we both regret
But we can never turn back the time
xXwallflower53Xx Mar 2015
We dont sleep,
we dont eat,
we block out as much of the world as we possibly ******* can,
and we drown ourselves in the depth of our mind
dragging the ones we love with us because we cannot bare losing them,
the way we lost ourselves.
We become the crazies,
the insanes;
labels in a world full of 'blank pages',
the outcasts that no one feels sorry for because we put ourselves in that situation.
WE skipped that meal
WE bled that word
WE drank the bleach
WE tied that rope around our ******* necks
because of words that could never hurt
because you were bored
because you saw the surface
because you don't ******* care that we are you in another body.
I hurt the same way you do
but you don't see
because of the smile on my face
because the walls I built became my home
because I have perfected this ******* mask.
We sat alone in our rooms feeling the weight of your judgement roll down our cheeks and into our hearts with knives and pens sticking out,
warping the way we would ever see the world again.
I want  you to know you are not alone
and that
we made that decision
but it was YOU who pulled the strings on those puppets.
I'm laying in my room at 2:42 in the morning on a school day, and I'm writting this. I had to let something out even though today was a pretty good day. If it doesn't make sense and seems a little 'out there', welcome to the planet Hm. (the name my friends gave the planet I'm off too when i zone out)

— The End —