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Emery Feine Sep 2024
I cried myself to sleep
Saying nobody would ever love me
If only we could be
I wouldn't have to weep

Then my wish came true
But I should've been careful what I asked for
My love life now isn't a bore
But now, I don't know what to do

I've started talking to a new boy
And I told him I didn't love him
And that only made him act grim
Treating me like a toy

And he asked why I wouldn't date him, because he was so great
And I felt guilty because I had asked for love
I had been embracing my freedom, like a pure dove
But that didn't mean I wouldn't date

I just don't want my happiness to be a lack
But the most you are to me is a brother
And my heart belongs to another
Someone that will never love me back.
this is my 45th poem, written on 11/11/23. sighhh I was so dumb
Tupeggo Sep 2024
Hey you
I sat on open trees
The sun in the sky
The birds in the air

With branches and leaves
Blazing rays hid above the trees
Dared not to hurt me
But I cared none

Hey you
I sat alone
With all those laughters
Nothing but conversations
All around me

The birds flew as they sang
Soft breeze brush the skin
Although it gave me music
Silence was all I cared

I kept waiting for a silent melody
To come by, to fill my world,
but it never did
I guess to you, I'm just a friend
A poem when he reminded me, that it is one-sided
Anish Goel Jun 2022
I'm glad you're my friend

A shoulder to lean
A crutch to stand
A dwelling of respite
And the dawn's first break of light

I hope to give as much as I take
Laugh with you and cherish
To face what comes side by side
To be silent comfortably on those long car rides

I can never be angry at you
No matter my efforts
A smile from you is all it takes
A cure to my recurrent mental aches

In an unfulfilled life, your company is contentful


Like a poisonous nightshade blossoms
The fruit of friendship ferments
Forms into an intoxicating sweet wine
Drunk from it, my mind is realigned

I don't want to be friends with you
"Friend" is such an evil word
It brings so much yet restricts all I care for
A false comfort when one longs for more

So perhaps I must go
To some distant desolate escape
To myself, I must be true
I have to save myself from my love for you

I hate that you're my friend
Mel Jul 2021
Read the palm of my hand,
Analyse the lines and see that it maps a highway with no destination
You became a long highway with high speeds and good music but as the driver, I knew it were to go nowhere
But as the passenger, you anticipated us to go everywhere  

And for that I’m sorry
You became a best friend that I resented
And I became the best friend that you had to learn to resent

Long car talks became our lingo and daily messages was our travel snack that we would crunch like a pass time
But as you found another, our cars collided
Inertia was met by fastening seatbelts and an accident we both denied had occurred  
And it's not that I’m jealous or realised I love you

But I am now met with suburbia,
With corners and cafe small talk,
Stop signs and round a bouts,

And I am to know that I can no longer rely on you like a country road but instead give way to another
I wish all the best for you
I know you once looked at my hands as a destination for yours
And honestly, sometimes I wish it were
But instead, they are creased maps leading to the nowhere for you
And everywhere for someone else

Although, I really hope you enjoyed the trip home
To a friend that wanted more
Jameson Blackmay Dec 2020
I feel you
I understand you
I like you
but I still don't want
to be with you
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