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Joanne Russell Sep 2018
There is absolutely nothing to see here
Nothing at all, whatsoever
But please do appreciate this poem
Because as a filler of space, its rather clever
Nothing to see here.
What you watch?
What you see?
What you hear?
What you read?

What you learn?
What you know?
What you don't?
Where you go?
Happy April Fools 2017
Dyanova Sep 2014
Lawrence, it’s um, doll…
or i see, i met a con
LOL. Rant... It's um....
ms reluctance Apr 2014
I did nothing of much importance.
Just listened to some of my favourite tunes,
and ate a tasty lunch.
Thought of a few late retorts
that would have been useful
in an argument I had weeks ago.
Watched the pattern on the floor
made by the fractured sunlight
through the cracks in my window.
Hugged my little sister for a long time
then we talked about useless stuff
and laughed a lot.
Stubbed my toe against the furniture,
used some colourful language.
Had some melty ice cream.
Freaked out a little bit
about my life
and it’s lack of direction.
Shrugged it off
and had another scoop.
I didn’t get any work done.
Today was a filler day
But today I had some fun.
NaPoWriMo Day #21
Poetry form: List

— The End —