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Zywa Jun 2021
We swim in the sea,

no one is flying to us –

no one is drowning.
World Refugee Day, June 20th

Collection "PumicePieces"
Zywa Mar 2021
A baby doesn't talk,

yet you do understand him –

better than adults.
Collection "I am"
Martin Narrod Apr 2014
no. 1, pop perfect record. The energy of dialing wars- each canvas has its temples splintered. Put down the smoking, and you can beat them with nerves. Your new revolution!

My father was your father until you had him shot while he was sleeping under his bed. Now you make popcorn and read the funny papers alone.

even. You bought me that cheap cologne from the mall. Thanks little brother.

[] True [] Love [] Story []

You hugger-mugger, slubberdegullion, crapulous lumming. Then enecate and banjax.

You have always been the logomachous one.
*Inspired from The Song of The Nibelungs, translated from Middle High German.

— The End —