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Anastasia Webb Aug 2014
pretty little sticky thing caught my tongue
and I think it’s time to come clean
and wipe down my benches
with fake lime liquid particles
and faded yellow cloths.

twisted the blue plastic out of my teeth,
wiped the mustard from my lips
(was laid on too thickly anyway)
popped the fishscales out from my eyes,

let the rose water run thick and hot
in the bathtub, let in flow in and out
of all my cavities, like it and I were
almost one
(I’m already so much rose water
opened my flabby mouth and swallowed.

pretty little green thing got stuck in my tongue.
time to come clean.
oh dear. need an early night.
A Amanda So Jul 2014
"Some people are meant to fall in love

with each other, but not meant to be together,"

they said.

And I started to think about

the sun,

and the moon

as the lovers who

rarely meet,

always chase,

and almost always

miss one another.

Each morning

the moon sinks

into the horizon

only for

the shimmering gold disk

to be able to

rose slowly

through the valley,

casting sunbeams

in every directions

while it illuminated

the small town

and began to

warm up

my pale skin.

And by the time

the sun was setting,

the sky was painted

an array of



and yellow,

the clouds held

the promise of

a calm, peaceful night

as the pale moonlight

began to show.

The moon loves the sun

so much that

it died every morning

to let the sun


as well as

the sun loves the moon

so much that

it died every night

to let the moon


But once in a while,

they do catch up,

and they kiss,

while the whole world

stares in awe

of their

Lianette Reyes Jul 2014
You bring me joy, and it's unnerving.
Knowing that it does not rest in your hands, but it is your hands
in mine, and knowing we are seperate beings
coming together, like an eclipse,
for a short time.
raingirlpoet Jun 2014
Someone turned off the moon
I searched high and low
Someone stole the moon out of the sky
How? is what I want to know

It was a funny feeling, to look up that night
To see the night light gone
A magic ladder that reached the heavens
The stars couldn't sing their song

Someone took the moon and ran
Snatched it without a sound
It was a very discombobulating night
Without the moon around
tranquil Jun 2014
love is rebel

when maddening rush of waves in sea
pound upon rocks obliterating all reverence
and meekest lilies bud in deserts to destroy
drowsy, shrivelled spirits of arid expanse

winds hum a song

and ballad of crimson bleeds from skylark's beak
as millennia of smoldering agony melt the furnace
of a gasping heart stomped upon by boots of time
weary, tired of burning for this world

i turn to you

chasing the merriest dream shut against an eye
of a frail romance, seeking a moment's solace
in tender touch of your silvery hue
lest my soul discern emptiness of my being

and turn blind without

caress of blissful light streaming down divinity
of a paradise which shall be home to lovers
in a moment something akin to blossoms fair
and be named the marvel of a moonlit sky

but how you only part

with moment lapsing into oblivion like a stream
housing ripples which fade into obscurity
as you flowing ride seaward along noiseless breezes
only to rest in nethers of a watery labyrinth

and doomed to burn

i part ways till my beloved's sleep grieves upon
dark stillness of heart as garish rays burn alight;
fill the land with a curtain of longing;
await your blissful countenance at twilight

beyond a chore of night and day

indulge in gleaming splendour of a festival
witnessed by angels and mortals alike
amid fleeting tenderness that paints our wispy sky
with a rosy blush, we seek each other

wriggling along

emptiness of space and hallucinate
a glittering spread of stars half asleep or coy
while celestial arena dumbfounded by our mutinous flight
gazes at two Gods sailing, sinking in each others arms

do humans plead and pray

wrought with sorrow, wish away the ill omen
turning glorious light to abominable darkness
as if life betrayed the vanquished spirit of
terrorized souls shouting, beating pots and drums

should someone tell the world

and those beseeching mercy from heavens
escape is a wing endowed to dream
through eyes of a lover which turn to riot
illuminate the darkness of a lifetime's longing

tell them dearie, tell them now

to the chanting, screaming vengeful barbarians
we're a tangle of coldly breathed sighs in lonesome nights
a mad rush of blooming desire grew tired of servility
wrapped inside the ring of black burning passion

we are the embrace

frozen in background of a singular nothingness
for which seems like an eternity but which shall
only last for a desperate twinkle of time
while savoured feasts of memories brew in our being

but long as we are bound

baited to the hook of grand order
crunched and gnashed under weight of divine province
we will part in an eye's blink again
like melody turned to a moan

-- the sun
faint and pale, vague as mist
in drowsing depth of shaded sky
gleaming sweet between the hills
you bless me with eternal light

tracing out the spiral steps
tresses silver pave the way
out in garden of my stars
beams of gold do so convey

tales of shiny mistress knocking
a door of white, still rustiness
awaiting night's crescendo
a valiant saviour - nothing less

though momentary interludes
fleeting glimpses, passing glances
shall slip away in an eyes blink
with churning spell of nature's dances

while night sighs of nostalgia
beckoned by call of time
reluctantly we submit
tremble with solemn goodbyes

as slender arms of dreamy beams
leaning dwell in treads of clouds
we'll dress the pitch of emptiness
all in eager lonely shrouds

-- the moon
Aeia Jun 2014
(burn) and recoil
don't get too close
don't raise your glass to catch
your rapidly evaporating tears

t'would be a waste
for an ardent taste
of the yellow (hazy) heated blaze
that stings your (weighted) wavering gaze

<i>le soleil ira l'obscurite
le soleil ira le ce soir sombre
le soleil est á jamais et jamais</i>

so ignite not the fire-
run not toward the light-
but dance (around) the sun instead
tiptoe (hush) watch where you tread

a breath of light, a glint of life
a torrid fever this way comes
don't get too close
(burn) and recoil...
brenda May 2014
an eclipse,
a magical yet temporal event,
where the sun and the moon collide,
but it is temporal,
it lasts long enough for them
to realize they do not
belong together.
and we were an eclipse;
you were the sun,
and I was the moon,
when we collided
we created art
                           ­           we

                                                     ­                        (b.c.)
ThingsWillChange May 2014
Inspired by Wendy Mass' Every Soul A Star

I stare up at the deep blue sky,
At the sun and moon up so high,
A pitch black mass,
A hot yellow gas,
Float side by side,
Then they collide,
Casting the moon's silhouette,
So I begin to forget,
Of all the difficulty,
There was previously,
And began to accept,
I decided not to intercept,
Then he slipped his hand into mine,
And I felt just fine.
A poem inspired by Wendy Mass' Every Soul A Star.
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