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Eva Encarnacion May 2021
I see what your future holds, nothing new and nothing unknown. But you must swiftly act, or loose unwritten stories to the past. Your future is yours to unfold.
Joy Apr 2020
It had to be stopped around the time
I felt the yellow messenger of rot
on my teeth as my breath was
slowly beginning to smell like
corpses in piles at the bottom
of a ***** brown lung pushing
the nicotine sedative all across
my thickened bloodstream.

Months later when my nails were not
tinted yellow all the way
to the end just like my teeth were
nearly clean again like the sheets
in which I was able to get better rest reversing all that was broken
begun to get easier just a little bit.
But I suppose that very few things
are so broken they can't be regrown.
Escapril 2020 (double yay)
DM00 Apr 2019
Wash me clean of this feeling,
left over from a frost, half thawed.
I am slow and clunky
tension and heavy
my head is empty, but

there’s so much pressure.
Building up, holding itself up.
Let the pressure break,
water me into serenity.
Ind Apr 2019
I'm ready for the rain,
ready for the pain it brings,
ready for the cleansing,
the healing,
the arrival of feelings I've been inviting for months...
I've been avoiding for months...
I've been fighting for months.
Because I believed that numb was better but now I crave the harsher weather.
Now I need the hurricanes,
need them so desperately I can hardly separate me from the want.
The savage desire to light a fire I'm unwilling to put out engulfs me.
I want to set myself aflame, but blazes lead to blame and body counts.
So instead, I'll await the rain.
Best to just let it wash away.
jay Feb 2019
I've decided to keep a sort of journal....
Telling you all about what happens in my life as a Middle-Schooler.
I call it...The Apocalypse
Follow me to stay up-to-date on when i post these.
Can you help me survive...The Apocalypse?
Day 2
Monday, February 4
We have school again!!!
Normally i wouldn't be happy about this...
but i finally get to see my friends after a week
Today i am practicing for the musical.
Today should be a good day, nonetheless
please...send help
(and someone to do my homework)

Levi Kips Apr 2018
My freshman year is a reclamation. a reclamation of how I can't play both patient and doctor. My freshman year was supposed to be the second chance that I thought my dad wanted, my freshman year was where the excuses were not accepted anymore by professors nor by me. All of freshman year I lived with my dad. I tell people, its to save money, it's convenient, it's bonding, while in all honesty living with my dad has been the time I feel the farthest from him, maybe cause we started with a crash start, maybe I just happened just like childhood just like my life. my freshman year was a reclamation, a reclamation that if I'm 5 or 50 miles away from home, my mom has me like gravity. when I come back home it may take some time for her gravitational pull to set in but doesn't take a semester, a school year, a high school, a life, for her to be there, to stay there and to be my foundation, my reclamation.
ms reluctance Apr 2018
“Okay,” said she,
“If you promise you will
always, always let me be free,
I will let you
kiss me.”

“Promise,” said he,
“Never, never shall I
use love to hopple you to me.
Now, pucker up
Cana Feb 2018
I don’t like writing this.

I have no desire to recant the red dress
The storm, the torrid blend of passion, anger and shame
Yet it haunts me at ungodly hours.

Let me sleep *****.
I can tick the bucket list.
Check the Facebook quiz
“One point for if you’ve ever loved”

Have you tasted ashes?
It’s ******* awful.
Day 2
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