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I've listened to pioneers
I've talked to delinquents
Heard of rumors
Learned of facts
Theories of the curious
Laws of the illustrious
Everything is the same
And it's the same in every "right".

As long as we continue to abide
To break and to rule and oblige
Always on queue as we search for clues
We always do, but settle our dues
To live and to be exterminated
To be downtrodden, to be accepted
We live a virtuous yet infectious life
But not all are asleep-laid to rest every night.

Some give birth as the reaper does its work
Love forever blooms as cults of hate still lurk
Religious gospels countered by the sacrilegious
Funny how both sides argue on identical mediums
One nation, one race, yet we cancel each and erase
Its the start of the end,
but what does life has to say?
We all are on a constant search for meaning, but never asked the meaning itself.
JJ Inda Jan 2021
There's talk of redemption
in crowded halls,
and as they adjust the dial
there's an addendum.
hard to tell
just who is right
although everyone knows
who is wrong.
no doorway in sight
in this mirror funhouse,
but the poor have TV's now
isn't that nice?
Yenson Dec 2020
The lilies will dance all night
the thimbles not quite so much
for thimble do get tired and the strength
moreover they have errands to run
they've got to go pick on a niga
its the cancel culture in acute action
on the contract to cancel and check
check this, check that, check it all around
check that crow, check that Raven
no oats for mating is not allowed
and how they talk of love and write of love
the cold blooded kind of love
in and out thank you ma'am
exploded in ninety seconds that's the limit
got things to do, got things to distract us
get a crow and clip its wings
that better fun than dancing around
its the Leninist manifesto for us
we've got the gifts that keeps on giving
we are the tops in Europe, we are super
come join the party and our revolution
come love and have fun but not that one
we have cancel him out without reprieve
but you know what mates
I do not miss being disallowed at your party
I ain't crying hurting or pining
hurray to the great unwashed
hurray to the slimes with gifts
but no thank you
SUPER gonorrhoea is on the rise as the highly infectious and drug-resistant bug may become untreatable. Untreated, super gonorrhoea can lead to a five-fold increase of *** transmission and eye infections that may lead to blindness.
The CDC reports infections have increased by 63% since 2014, and up to five million people in the US could be infected with gonorrhoea in 10 years.

The UK has the highest gonorrhoea rate in Europe, and there could be more than 420,000 new cases every year by 2030.“Such a situation can fuel emergence of resistance in gonorrhea including gonorrhea superbug (super gonorrhoea) or gonorrhoea with high level resistance to current antibiotics recommended to treat it.”

They added: “Resistant strains in gonorrhoea continue to be a critical challenge to STI prevention and control efforts.”
blondespells Dec 2020
Lily Kesha Gump

Sittin' on the curb of Bronx and Main Street

How I wish I could wrap my arms around you

Sweet little lady, lookin’ grown with a picture of her mama’s stare frozen on her face

Wrists slung through the spaces of her thighs, waiting for a daydream

And she sees me as I’m twirling by in my ruby reds and thigh high leather grace

There you go darlin,

She says to me  

Scoring on my indigo smile

She bites men to sleep

With the crevices of her curves

As her voice weakens wicked

she pulls me out of my gloom

There you go darlin,

She says to me

With a time bomb ticking

On my pain pain pain

And the pen is in my hand

Before she even leaves my sight

I love this city

I love these women

I love their shoes

I love their smiles

Cheeky little laughs  

Someone once recommended

When I was dancing under the shades of a neon lamp  

From Homeless to Harvard

by a woman named Liz or Marie

Or maybe I read the title off of a screen
when I walking with Maryanne on north Peachtree street

And I remember

Lily Kesha Gump

How I wish I could wrap my arms around you

And give you the life some white woman

who doesn’t even know you

Thinks you desire.
Kristin Dec 2020
All customers are required to wear a mask
Steve, Yuri, Pablo, Kevin, John, Roy, Bill

All customers are required to wear a mask
Mary, Irina, Maria, Karen, Joyce, Tasha, Jill

All customers are required to wear a mask
my cousin, my uncle, my grandma, my dad, me, all our dears

All customers are required to wear a mask
those we deem immune from our fears

All customers are required to wear a mask
when it's inconvenient and uncomfortable to confront others

All customers are required to wear a mask
when we're too busy burying our mothers and brothers
Kristin Dec 2020
"Our people don't build fences"
and so
I didn't learn boundaries

"Our women don't talk like that"
and so
I didn't speak up

"Our children are always nice"
and so
I didn't learn where it was healthy to store my rage

"Our family doesn't do things like that"
and so
I didn't have the courage to try at times

"Our roots are here"
and so
I didn't leave with confidence


I built boundaries
and so
I healed

I spoke up
and so
I healed

I raged
and so
I healed

I tried
and so
I healed

I left
and so
I healed
Kriti Gupta Dec 2020
A lack of care, consideration and desire runs deep within our skin
A clash of cultures leaves me wondering which bin do I fall in
You try to work the friendships that look similar so they win
But it’s often the ones from a foreign land who treat you like a king
Bri Stokes Nov 2020
I never read your letter.
I can’t bring myself
to confront the sting of
I can’t bear to
part the veil which shields
my failures from my
from my lips
and legs
to listless
avoiding variables;
I ignore to keep
my weary eyes
above water.
See, reality wrinkles
its nose at the fantasies my insanity
can concoct
when I’ve yet to find a reason
to chase you away.
When the tethers of my grip
have yet to give way to anxiety, leaving me to wonder
if I feel too happy,
look too good,
want far more than what
my karma will allow.
I never read your letter, as I’ve been
consumed with playing
dress-up, draped in finery and fixtures
fit to outshine all the glow of
unshed tears
under pulsing
I'll coax it open it yesterday, but never tonight.
Big Virge Nov 2020
Now I’ve...
Already Done Said It... !!!

Some Peoples’ Work Ethic...
Is... TRULY PATHETIC... !!!!!

Seem To Want CREDIT... ?!?

For The Way That They...
Choose To Work Away...
In Their Day To Day...

But They Need To REFRAIN...
From Making CLAIMS... !!!!
That Their Ethics SWAY...
To Having NO DELAY...
In Being... GREAT... !!!!!!

I’ve Said It BEFORE...
And … I’m Now SURE...
That I Will Say It AGAIN... !!!

The CLAIMS Some Make...
Are Those That Display...
... A Crying SHAME... !!!

That DENIES BLAME... !!!
Or Morals That AIM...
At Doing The Things...
That They’re QUICK To Say...

That Their Work Ethics...
Display In Their Ways... !!!

Like... MORALITY...
That I Have To Say SADLY... !!!

Defines Well ……….
... TRAGEDIES... !!!

WITHOUT Gaddafi... !!!
Or Morals That Gladly...
Choose To Be MANLY...
In... How They Move...

Like Doing EXACTLY...
What They Say They’ll Do... !!!

Instead of Move BADLY...
Like The Moves of FOOLS...
Who NEED Ethics School... !!!

The Type That INFUSE...
Being Able To PROVE...

Rather Than INCLUDE...
The Type of ETHICS..
That Should Be REFUSED... !!!

of These INDUSTRY CREWS... !!!

Like Those Who CHOOSE...
To Make Those Tunes...
In... Studio Rooms...

And Those In Booths...
Where Their Voices Croon...
Or Drop Rap Tunes...

I’ve Seen It Here...
I’ve Seen It There...

In Places Where...
The Caribbean Sun...
Makes Working HARD...
And... FAR From FUN... !!!

When Working OUTSIDE...
When The Sun Is HIGH...
Can... Burn Ya HIDE... !!!

That’s Right Ya BACKSIDE...
When There Are CLEAR SKIES... !!!

I’ve Also Seen THIS Stuff...
Run In... ENGLAND... !!!

Where Moral Codes...
When It Comes To Work Zones...

That... RACISM...
Doesn’t Even Get SHUNNED...
When It Is... BLATANT... !!!

Because Moral Ethics...
Are A RARITY... !!!

In ALL KINDS of Scenes...
Where People Now Be... !!!
It’s... AMAZING To See...

Has The Type of … Ethics...
That Are WORSE Than Testy... !!!

Deserving NO CREDIT... !!!
Because They Are MESSY...!!!

And Winning NO TITLES... !!!
Cos' They're NOTHING Like Lionel's... !!!

Whose Ethics Have Shown...
How They REALLY Should Roll... !!!

Barcelona Now KNOWS... !!!
That His Ethics Are Those...
That Are Worthy of GOLD...
Just Like RONALDINHO'S... !!!

Cos The Ethics HE Showed... !!!
ALSO... Did AMAZE... !!!
In HIS Playing Days... !!!!!

And Those Are The Type...
I Display In The Rhymes...
That I Now Sit And Write...

In Volumes And VOLUMES...
With Ethics That Choose...

Cos My Ethics... HOVER ………..
... WAY ABOVE Problems... !!!

Because My Form of Soccer...
Shoots Just Like Revolvers...
And Drones Used As Bombers... !!!

And As For These Coppers... !!!

Their Ethics Are SHOCKERS...
That Require NO WORDS...
Because They’re ABSURD... !?!

UNLIKE Spoken Word Verse...
That Comes From Big Virge... !!!


Because It's EXPRESSIVE...
And Somewhat Impressive...
Because It's... INJECTED...
With HIGH MORAL Values...
And Being AUTHENTIC... !!!

Which Is Why It's ALIGNED To...

...... DISCIPLINED.....

........... “ ETHICS “.......... !!!
Always an interesting subject, when people show, or speak on their moral values, standards and apparent codes of.....
To my soul, aspire to be immortal
& exhaust all things possible, be
selfish & ruin death of it’s act.
To the soul find out what makes
existence worth the trouble.
But my soul, dare not become
a God nor muse.
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