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Brumous Oct 2021
everything has its perfect ratio,
a little bit of this, a little bit of that;

I should've maintained the status quo,
instead of putting concentrated things,
and giving a lot more.

Sweet, bittersweet, bitter.

I'm drinking coffee today (It's dark coffee). But, I didn't like it; I was conscious about wasting coffee so, I just threw in another instant coffee mix (a much sweeter/creamy one) and two spoonfuls of honey.

I should've settled for a more subtle coffee,
my tastebuds are confused but,
I somehow want more.
Simon Nov 2020
She goes by Maisha. But too me, she's known as my “Watson”. A Watson that is the VERY "incredulous" sidekick towards Sherlocks (somewhat) "overanalyzing" and (seemingly...when it truly isn't much of the time) "doubtful" nature. (Just as Watson isn't as soft spoken...when they truly aren't as incredulous as you'd expect them too truly first glance!) Thou, no matter how false or true something might seem... It matters not. Towards the fate of a good enough "bargain" too “pry” the (seeming) essential pieces that go one way. And come SNAPPING back straight into your own face the next! (Without so much as a standard warning, beforehand...or even ahead of time!) That is both the never-ending/ever-increasingly, mind-bogglingly, fated desires that "swing" (impatiently)...when there's NO breeze too simply sway back and forth on the spot!
And when there's sometimes NO recognition towards either fact... That's when Watson is there too kick me into gear (without the seeming faulty wiring of my CRAZY and SPIRALING and SPORADIC and WILD)... Assumptions!
Because assumptions don't mind those very facts that perfectly fit inside those very details that doesn't have a half-hearted claim towards the very desires of those very specifics (at which the very details fit perfectly nestled inside).
And if it wasn't already incredulous enough already... Then Sherlocks too random of assumptions...must surpass your very logic too handle at one single time....
Meaning my very assumptions is what forces you too "transcend" your own piece of art for the fate of a brain that would (in theory...and try as it must) "reconnect" with the complete countering opposite... That is the opposing goodness towards how a brain ticks those too random assumptions) too shame! When the heart starts too "unravel" it's VERY (seemingly) "dormant" period full of unkempt lust for that very now "presently" so-called ("transcending your own piece of art") right then and there!
But a piece of transcending art, isn't complete...just because you are (now of ALL times) beginning to understand it... Since it's NEVER that easy to just understand a VERY abstract/cryptic (someone or something) who's too random assumptions seem too SPARK your heart! As if your heart now has a flow of radiation coming out of it... Because it was simply "poked"!
But why of ALL times did it haft too be poked...? Well, isn't it obvious by now.......???
The "frames of logic" would speak of a VERY important "scheduling event". Where the heart needed too be poked, first!
Simply because the heart was literally BLOATING up and "suppressing" too much of that newly escaped flow of radiation!
And since now it's (seemingly) ready too take off like a once (trapped bird in a cage...ALL it's life)! You better bet things shall be different... For this time around, at least....
Do you simply think the brain and the heart would become "one" and detest ALL the past formalities (from a past gone SO "rigid" like)... That it's now truly impossible too truly tell just what its current condition is really about. And how the very current present timeline...then would speak of a VERY fortunate scheduling event, that would change everything for the better... Possibly even (if your assumptions truly grasp another's frame of logic good enough too transcend right off the bat seemingly)... Forevermore!
Then, what are you waiting for, huh...???!!!
A moment of doubt is normal too include the fear of failing ANY type of reasoning either (beforehand or ahead of time)! Since it doesn't matter which would be the better offer...? Unless you were too (I don't know), keep "trekking" as you ALWAYS have towards "breaching" the (seemingly) "impenetrable" darkness that hails your own "lit impression/lit focus" (conscious wise) structure/mechanism...without fear of “blinking out” that very reasoning right then and there! Since "snuffing" out the where fear comes from, after all.... Remember and forget! Are those very reminders that fail...ALL THE SAME!
Dark lover Mar 2020
drowning he was
Falling he was..
Losing sanity he was..
Derailed he was..
Frustrated he was..
Confused he was.
Lost he was.
Deserted he was..
Buried he was...
And the slanderers rejoiced..
Thinketh they..
Never will he rise again...
Then he felt a paradigm shift..
A shift like none other..
A shift accompanied by everything benevolent...
It is,  the slanderers whispered, a phantom bone disease..
Let they wander and dawdle for they are steeped in a quagmire of visibility lest a veil is upon all their sensory nerves, depriving them the beauty and the quintessence of the invisible...
But he is/has...
No more drowning, but drinks from the fountain of knowledge,
Spiced with milk and honey..
No more falling but floating in void..
No more losing sanity but unravelled the mystery of true sanity..
No more derailed but dandified...
No more frustrated but ferociously inspired..
No more confused but concentrated..
No more lost in darkness but guided by light..
No more deserted..
No more Buried but sprouted..
El magnifico... He is..
The power of believe...

— The End —