I am the warm lips of sun, that kiss your dew drenched petals,
when you in self oblivion try to embrace, I've gone faraway,
playing with love struck clouds, dancing, their slips flying,
I am the fire making your body burn with desire,slyly planted
I am the wind, licking pollen off your stamen softly, making you
want me to do that more, sowing goosebumps all over
I am the movement of desire, moving through that time of the day
languid in mornings,spreading fervor at noons and in darkness
coils like a serpent that searches for burrow to snuggle in til dawn
Flow of water am I, that carries you along easily throughout,
you could ease in to me, I am the bed and the fingers caressing,
in my dreams you are the sneaking fingers of my naughty lover,
in you are my ablutions, my fire is quenched by your flows.
I ooze,fluids of many scents sometimes a sprouting spring.
I trickle with pleasure, lubricate,cross one level to the other.