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Ithaca Apr 2019
Talking to myself
Laughing at my own jokes
Entertaining myself
Making fun of myself
Calling myself a *******
Believing it
Acting like a lunatic
Becoming one
Feeding my insanity
Laughing about it
My life is going nowhere
I’m happy I have a life
I’m a suicidal maniac with a smile and a side of fries
I write poems about it
And I wouldn’t have it any other way
Because of people like you
Who make my *******, boringass, cheesyass, waffleass, *******, stupidass, lønelyass life worth living
Thank you
My ******* way of saying thank you
Jennifer DeLong Mar 2018
Passionate souls
drawing in the wind
Making colors with the stars
Dreaming souls
waking to do it all again
Sending life into a tailspin
Rendering life as is
Creative souls wildly dancing
music in there hearts
When all souls come together
imagine the scenes
the visions we would see
Wildly fun a bit crazy
Wouldn't that be fun
like a trip on imagination
gripping us to stay
maybe finding it a bit more bearable
then the **** we see today
© Jennifer Delong 3/2018
Dallas Hogue Mar 2015
Poetry has never been escape.
It has been solitude.

My poems will not stop the world from falling apart.
But for a moment,
No matter how brief,

It is bearable.
Andrea Baca Jun 2014
It used to be that the silence was not quite bearable. Now, it's the only thing that is.

— The End —