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In the heart of a silent, ancient wood,
Two trees once soared, side by side they stood.
Roots entwined in the soil’s tender clasp,
Branches woven in a timeless grasp.

One tree, robust, with emerald might,
Its leaves a dance in the sun’s soft light.
But the other—oh, the other!—fades,
A slow decay in nature’s cruel parade.

Its bark now brittle, cracked like bone,
Once vibrant leaves to the earth are thrown,
Curling brown, a whispered plea,
As it withers, longing to be free.

Yet still the healthy tree leans near,
Its emerald boughs full of silent fear,
Reaching toward its dying kin,
As if love alone could pull it in.

The forest watches, breath held tight,
In twilight’s pale and ghostly light.
And still, the living one won’t release
Its fading lover from this endless peace.

For how can life persist, alone,
When heart and root together have grown?
In shared breaths of wind, in rain’s soft kiss—
How can one survive without the other’s bliss?

So they stand there, a tragic pair,
One green, one ghostly, beyond repair.
Yet the living tree refuses to sway,
As if to say: "I’ll hold you till I too decay"
We haven’t known each other for long, yet it feels like I’ve known your heart all along. You carry the strength and faith I’ve admired in others, and in this short time, I’ve come to see the beauty in your character. You’ve brought light into the spaces where there was once doubt, and though I question why Allah made us meet, I trust in His wisdom. When you're feeling low and all alone, I’ll be the one to reach for you, to stand by your side and lift you up. I seek to continue this journey with you, not just in companionship, but in a bond that honors our faith, where we uplift and support each other in every step.
To admire you is to catch the winds sigh
A fleeting glimpse of the starts in the sky
You move through the world with not thought, no care,
Yet leave traces of beauty, like whispers in the air

Unknowing, you sit at your end, so serene,
While others admire the grace in between.
Each moment you breathe, without knowing your worth,
Brings light to the quiet corners of the room

And still, I hold on, with hope in my chest.
That somehow, someday, we'll find what is best.
Though the distance may stretch and paths twist and bend
I'll hold on and hope we'll find our way back in the end.

How does it feel, I wonder, to be admired so true.
While you sit at your end, with no thought of the view.
You rest there in stillness, so perfectly unaware,
Of the hearts you behold, caught deep in your snare.

You sit so composed, no weight on your mind.
While others embrace what they silently find.
The world leans in closer, in awe of your grace,
Yet you give it no thought in your quiet and calm space.

Your Smile,
Your Laugh,
Your Kindness,
Your Mind,
Your Strength,
Your Heart,
Your Essence,

Each one a reason I’d cross any distance, face any storm, move mountains, or wait lifetimes just to stay by your side, to hear your voice, and to always be at your end.

Your voice,
I long,

It touches me like magic, and it's as if the universe itself pauses, holding its breath to listen in awe just as I do, always drawn to your end.

Your eyes,

A portal to a realm untouched by time, gazing through them feels like beholding the birth of a star. Their glow so radiant, even the night grows jealous, dimming in envy forever drawn to your end.

And in your absence, the world feels less bright,
Each moment without you, a thief stealing light.
I trace the echoes of your laughter in the air,
Yet all that's left is silence, lingering everywhere.

The days stretch longer, the nights colder still,
And I miss you more than words could ever fill.
Every hour apart feels like a lifetime in vain,
As I yearn for the day you'll ease this quiet pain.

A bridge,
So wide

Your heart stretches like an endless path, and I'd walk every mile, face every obstacle, and cross any divide just to reach your end.
You drift like shadows across my mind,
A fleeting face I’ll never find.
I try to release you, but you pull me tight, if you can, stir the quiet in my veins

I once believed I stood a man,
Too great for games, too proud to bend or plan.
But in your presence, all resolve ran wild,
While you stand there, untouched, serene, and mild.
In that moment I felt a spark, a spark that could've caused a fire, but it didn't.

Fading, twisting, slipping through trees.
I’d release these thoughts, like leaves in a storm,
Scattered and lost, with no shape or form.
I'd released them and I'm shaping them, hoping for desire.

Such a fleeting face in such a fleeting place,
A crush that's fading, though I wish it would erase.
Yet part of me still hopes you will come to stay,
Just like I hope to catch the wind, or hold the moon’s sway.
Have you noticed me.

Imaginary lover, do you feel my embrace?
Soft touches and whispers in our cozy space.
Would you snuggle close, beneath blankets tight,
Sharing warmth and sweetness through the quiet night?

Do you exist?
I think you do, are my thoughts true?
I've met you already, haven't I?
Wrap my heart in a tender glow, filling it with a soft, radiant warmth

Oh, how I crave that warmth anew—
The feeling, not you, to pull me through.
Return to me, those tender highs,
Please, I long for that gentle thrill in my chest.
I suppose it’s you I yearn for.

I miss you.
Who amongst us will die tonight?
Hateful of all else
Who amongst you hides in fright?
Who seeks the dark, a bitter thrill—
Hateful, broken, cold and still?

Who amongst us wears a smile?
Who among you walks in chains,
Is it truth, or just denial,
Bound to echoes, silent pains?

Who amongst us lies awake,
Haunted by choices we can't shake?
Who among you feels the weight,
Of a fate you cannot break?

Lies, all lives—woven tight.
Do you hear them whisper low,
Hateful of the masks we wear,
The truths we bury deep below?

Who amongst you lies with ease?
Fearing the truth, hiding the flame,
Binding souls in silent games,
Pretending peace amidst disease?

Who amongst you hides the blade,
Feels the sting, watches it fade?
Who amongst us ties the rope,
Clinging to threads of shattered hope?

Who among you longs for death,
Seeks escape from every breath?
Who amongst us falls so deep,
That even sleep offers no peace?

Lies, all lies—they burn inside,
Still they lead where we can’t hide.
For those who fall, it’s not the end—
What waits for them, no soul can mend.

Justice comes, and it will be fair.
No soul escapes what's waiting there.
The pain you seek to leave behind,
Meets you again, no peace to find.

Who among you holds the weight,
Of losing those you couldn’t save?
If they left by choice or fate,
Their peace is not beyond the grave.

Who amongst us feels the grief?
Who amongst you seeks relief?
Know this—those you loved, now gone,
Have found no pain; they’ve moved beyond.

Who amongst us waits to fall,
With trembling hands and distant call?
Who among you seeks the grave,
Hoping to find what once they gave?

Good lives, lost lives—who survives?
Who amongst us wastes the soul,
Watching darkness take its toll,
As fragile hope no longer thrives?

Who amongst us holds the blade,
And feels the silence start to fade?
Know this, dear one: the end you seek,
Is not the peace for which you weep.

Lies, all lives—we let them break,
But still they bind for our own sake.
Who among you walks alone,
Haunted by the weight of bone?

Who amongst us truly fights,
While trapped beneath these endless nights?
Who among you hides the tears,
While others lost are free from fear?

Who amongst you is reading now?
Feeling the weight of every vow?
Who amongst us will die tonight?
I'm the lone star,
Fading in your sky,
I'm a shadow,
Lost in your bright light.

I am the rain
That just wants to touch your face,
I'm just a wave,
that crashed in your grace.

I’m the breeze,
That aches for your skin,
I’m the night,
Waiting for you to begin.

I’m the dawn,
Hoping for your light,
I'm the star,
Yearning for your sight.

I’m the river,
Flowing toward your shore,
I’m the heart,
That aches for more and more.

I reach for you
In a void that swallows all—
You're the last shadow,
You're the final fall.

It's all broken,
But it feels like fate
Life feels incomplete, lost in contemplation,
A day without you brings no jubilation.
“It’s not living if it’s not with you,”
A truth so deep, it defies explanation.

But every moment brings some hesitation,
Caught between hope and resignation.
Are they feeling this same sensation?
And now I'm left wondering if they're in the same situation.

Oh, they never did, and they never will,
It’s all in your head, just a mental thrill.
What you’re feeling now, just a simulation,
All those thoughts, just a hallucination.

"Oh yeah? Well, thanks for the clarification,"
As if I didn’t already know that information.

Maladaptive daydreams, a quiet fascination,
Not labeled a disorder, but a subtle deviation,
From the life that’s unfolding without hesitation,
As I drift to a world of pure imagination.

I linger on every thought, like the letters in their name’s alliteration,
Each syllable whispers, a soft invitation.
Their calm presence, a refuge so intense,
A smile that offers a gentle defense.

Working side by side, our exchanges unique,
In moments together, it's their essence I seek.
The comfortable silence, a shared pretense,
Where sarcasm dances with quiet suspense.

But still, I wonder, lost in their presence,
Am I the only one feeling this immense?
Or is there a chance, in some future tense,
That we’ll find our way past this reverence?

They’re two hours away, a distance immense,
Yet I feel there’s something more than mere pretense.
For now, I’ll hold on, with hope and suspense,
Dreaming of a time when our paths condense.
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