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Steve Page Feb 1
"What have you got there?"

"A few particles of joy and this.  I found it hidden when I last looked in my quiet."

He opened his hand tentatively, not sure if it was safe to do so. He had unknowing saved a small remnant of his original soul.

We looked at the torn corner resting in his palm. It was more than anyone could have hoped for for someone who had remained in London.

"How have you kept hold of that?"

"I'm not sure. It might be from my old prayers. I thought it had been used up years ago. Is it worth anything?"

"It just might be worth everything."
Started with a thought prompted by a blackout poetry thing which I messed up.
Steve Page Feb 1
We’re told to watch the body language
that it may be subtle
and difficult to decipher.

But in the right hands
it cries out in its fluency
it sings in its inflections.

In the right company
you can’t tear your eyes away
from the clear meaning.

We’re told to watch the body language
so we watch his hands, his feet
each pierced to make a point.

We watch the words hanging there,
terrible in their eloquence
accentuated by His sacrifice.

We’re told to watch the body language
because in the right hands
actions speak so much louder than words.

And His can still be heard.
I'm an investigator.  When I speak to subjects of our investigations, I'm watching as well as listening.  But when I read the accounts of Christ's death, I'd have to be blind not to get the message.
Steve Page Jan 28
I laugh at the young light
and gift colour full rein
cover the ground at speed
flex the holy spectrum
into deep infernal textures
boldly release hinted hues
hidden to the casual eye
stroke my rivals into life
created at the break of day
capture unnatural advantage
in this leg of the human race
to reach God's rest
at the creation's edge
Prompted by Van Gogh's mastery over colour.
Steve Page Jan 24
The men of God met together
early in the morning
Would 4 dozen eggs stretch?

The men of God cooked together
early in the morning
Would Pyrex or Crackpot be best?

The men of God planned together
early in the morning
Would Barney remember the chives?

The men of God sat together
early in the morning
Would Logan allow open fires?

The men of God prayed together
early in the morning.
Would Jesus prefer bread and fish?

The men of God laughed together
early in the morning
Could anything ever beat this?
We meet once a month for breakfast and prayer.  Echoes of John 21.
Steve Page Jan 24
The Last Priest smiled his blessings
indiscriminately, bridging,
building a new priesthood
beyond borders, across tribes
ignoring gender, discounting class
blind to race, snubbing rank,
denying privilege and preferring
a new holy nationality
for refugees, for stateless souls
like mine
- like ours
I wrote this over 7 years ago.  We still need reminding.
1 Peter 2:9-10
9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

Galatians 3:26-29
26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith,
27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Steve Page Jan 21
Which road did you take?
Emmaus or Damascus?
Don't matter.
Same Jesus.

What brought you here?
Breadcrumbs or beacon?
Don't matter.
Same Jesus.

What meal did you share?
Flat bread or feast?
Don't matter.
Same Jesus.

It's the one you meet.
Not how you meet him.
Steve Page Jan 15
Jack of all trades,
master of none,
but oftentimes better
than master of one.
Apparently the first line was the original quote - given as a compliment.  Then the second line was added to turn it into an insult.  But the full (later)  quote resonates more with me.  See also 'polymath'.
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