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I love Christmas lights! They remind me of
The people who voted for Obama.
They all hang together, half of them don't work,
And the ones that do, aren't all that bright.
Illegals comes to our country to tell to turn off our lights.
But we burn them  bright as Americans do.
Then hang mistletoe to their a-- and send them back.
Our Christmas light will burn so bright this Christmas.Night
When estimates are made, then they are not just estimates,
it’s a way of ascertaining an uncertain future.

An uncertain future gets a glimpse of what seems to be possible in the present at the present moment in time when the estimate is being made.

Scope with regards to future varies in the present and also over a period of time along the future.
Each and everything comes into focus when an estimate is ready and needs to be followed in the present at the present moment in time.
Following a proper line of action comes later, much later.

Initially when everything related to making an estimate comes to mind it's important to take the right steps at the right moment in time.
Initially everything starts with particular line of thinking.
Initially in the present the thought process is very well defined,
so well defined that everything needs to be done keeping in mind the right moment in time.

Over a period of time things change and everything starts taking the right shape.
Now comes the moment in time to make an estimate since everything that is going on in mind gets sorted out and becomes clear.
Now the only thing that comes to mind is that time is going to be important.

Along with time comes an experience when efforts are been made
Along with experience comes accuracy in making an estimate
So never give up in life.

Give your best and always make efforts
A time will come when the importance of time will not only be understood, realized, agreed and accepted, but also it will be kept in mind.
An estimate will then be required keeping in mind the future.

So, there is nothing wrong in making an estimate
After all it takes only a small space of the entire page when making an estimate
So always see to it that you have your estimate ready for the plan that you have made in your mind and then only move towards taking the line of action.
“We are what we are because we have been what we have been, and what is needed for solving the problems of human life and motives is not moral estimates but more knowledge.”
― Sigmund Freud
This poem is like one large knot.
I'm failing to unravel my thoughts;
Struggling to get my point across.

This poem isn't right.
Mulling the feelings over all night.
Revising only to continue to revise.

This poem isn't what I want it to be.
Typing it out before pressing delete.
Leaving each line incompl-
For NM

I knew I'd get something out... even if it's redundant.
Hard times come and hard times go, it's the mind set that controls one.....
Always remember, that one must "sacrifice" in life to "gain"......
my empty hands sprawled
the healers of magical minds watch intently
as i rush to speak all my madness thoughts
as i spill the visions and voices that come to me in the night
they pour out onto the madhouse floor
stained like blood red wine
sharp taste to the minds electric eye
wrap tin foil around your fingers when you type
lest the alien signature machine sees you in a dream

the healers of a magical mind
tell you of reality that you cannot see
they give you small pills to make it all better
to soak up all the fears
your magic mind speaks inside your ear
tells you not to swallow the pills
that they make your face look funny in the mirror
that they control you with secret machines
in magazines

sit on the bare floor
straight jacket wrapped warmly around you like loving arms
and watch the cursed moon rise neath the clouds
sing in a whisper to the voices in your head
your eyes wide open
to the magical mind
 Dec 2015 stéphane noir
haunting frights slur,
convincing a tired,
throbbing spine to
stumble away from
memories lost in
the unforgiving happy
hours of continuous,
cheap brown lager.

young, blonde pigtails
tap weary broad shoulders
and mumble under
bubble-gum breath:
“strong bones won’t
do a corpse
any **** good.”
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