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 Apr 2018 staysha
Jodey Ross
No matter if it's dark and gray,
you always seem to brighten my day.

I think about you all the time,
how your eyes always seem to shine.

Always there for me to talk to,
I know I can always count on you.

Laying next to you in bed,
not wanting anywhere to be instead.

Think about your kisses makes me swoon,
knowing I will get to have them soon.

I love you more than anything ever
and me stopping would be never.
Sometimes I get sappy and want to write about my love. Sorry if it gets annoying...
 Apr 2018 staysha
Adrianna Aarons
You can look at a puzzle
for hours and hours
and try to fit the pieces together
the way they should be,
but then you're gonna see a space
smack dab in the middle,
and you won't be able to find the piece
to complete the picture.
You and I have all the pieces,
we just chose the wrong time
to figure out the puzzle.
 Apr 2018 staysha
allissa robbins
Chills run down your spine  
Caress with a caress, tender
Breaking a physical valve, meander
Touch to touch, unkeeping of the line
Unplanned, a mystery thick as pine
Feeling, shaking like thunder
Nothing short of splendor
Heart breaking without time

Pulling away from rush
Far from appeasement
No longer engrossed, no longer heated lush
Cold like the words he meant
Stinging like fireside brush
Kisses from fervent

*14 April
 Apr 2018 staysha
james theriault
Love what a mystery
It can be beautiful
It can be sad
Love can be strange
But that does not matter when you say " I love you "
To my beautiful girfriend Lauren Mansfield
I  love you

— The End —