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Jun 2017 · 6.0k
Concert Hall
Starchild88 Jun 2017
You are a walking symphony.

Feet, eagerly stepping on the strings of my heart to create the most beautiful arpeggio that I've ever heard. Arms, grazing the old red bricks that seem to structure this sad place. You screamed "I love you"  and these ragged walls shook as they carried the acoustics of your voice through this concert hall of a heart. I dare you to trust that this place wont collapse. Not with you in it. I refuse.

There have been way too many prior casualties for you to fall victim to the same disasters. I will guide you through. I will love you. Together we will reconstruct what is left and turn the debris into something beautiful.
Apr 2014 · 2.0k
Starchild88 Apr 2014
Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust,
And the world spins madly on,

As the ticking clock's cogs turn to rust,
A butterfly shall flap its wings,

And fade out of existence as the nightingale sings
A sad song for the marvelous yet meaningless,
Melodically destructive
Monarch of the midnight sky.

Let its song be a reminder,
Of the ever-ticking timer,
Hurriedly beating away in our chests.
And let the sound of each thump
Tear apart all delusions of splendor,
Laying bare the memory that we are simply human;

Wonderfully, terribly, painfully human.
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
A Bullet Returned
Starchild88 Apr 2014
Memories from so long ago
 feel like yesterday.

I haven’t seen you in a while,

And I am realizing how much I've missed you.

The last time I saw you,
 you were broken.

Returning back from a tragic memory,
lonely tears soaked into my shirt.
I was always there for you, twisting every desolate memory into
Something beautiful.

I hadn't seen you in about a year now, 
and I am realizing just
What you were to me.
The guy everyone warned me about.

Young and naive, I fell into the grasp of your heart while you clutched mine with broken promises and open arms of acceptance.

You broke me down, as if you were an anxious bullet in the
Rotating cylinder of a gun that was being pressed to my head, -
The only bullet in the universe that I was eager to get shot with.

You dug through my skull, exploded inside my brain,

And forced me to love you.
Inspired by my ex.
Nov 2013 · 597
Things to Ponder...
Starchild88 Nov 2013
Every night, I lay awake wondering if
I'd get to hear the rasp in your voice again.
I would lie there yearning for you;
hoping that you'd somehow call with concern in
Your voice about how my day has been.

We'd laugh til dawn peeked past both of our
Windows; sometimes it seemed as though time
Just flew by. I'd think to myself, questioning how we could
Understand each other so well even though we haven't
Even seen each other face-to-face.

And as his voice melted in my ear, I realized that his words
Complimented mine like purple compliments yellow, combining
Both of our thoughts to create the most beautiful painting of "Starry Night"
You have ever seen.  His tongue seemed sugar-coated with the perfect
Balance of charm and intelligence. I wonder …if that rugged voice
ever gets lonely in that one-bed apartment.

I imagine it does.
Sep 2013 · 600
All the Wrong Choices
Starchild88 Sep 2013
Desires for you
run rampant in the night.
I listen to the whispers of your thoughts
while I lay in your satin.

We could never be this way again.

Now it's suddenly like a drifting sea of calm water.
Slow. Stable.
Darkness creeps beside me
coaxing sleep to rest upon my eyelids,
Me yearning for another glimpse of you.

— The End —