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 Jun 2014 Spt
you part II
 Jun 2014 Spt
I sit here
silently eating blackberries
trying to picture
the way your face looks
right after I kiss you

I tried to paint
that smile once
but it came out looking
like a sunrise
 Jun 2014 Spt
Love is Unfair
 Jun 2014 Spt
How is it that
When someone you love hurts you,
You don't and you can't hurt them back,
Cause you love  them too much?
It's just unfair ..
 Jun 2014 Spt
Funny how today was just a distant dream
Two years ago
I thought would never come
And here I am
Today was so impossible
Time can not pass
It is not judged in inches or meters
Or lines of a sonnet
Time as we perceive it is completely false
And impossible
You can not move in space with moving in time so
Today is my time
To fight or fly
Stand alone or together
Live in every second
Or throw them all away
Every instant is a decision to live your life right
Every instant you make a decision
To move in a direction and
**This direction is mine!
Please comment :)
I'm sorry, I know that I post pretty reliably every day but I will be traveling for ten days so I may not have reliable internet. I don't think any of my followers would be completely devastated if I didn't post for awhile but I'm just making it known. This is direction is mine!
 Jun 2014 Spt
 Jun 2014 Spt
I gave you my lips to borrow yet my heart you stole.
Every time we kissed i felt it in my soul.
I gave you my hand to hold, my arms to hug, my eyes to see.
Sunddelny you were part of me.
Like the bark on a tree,
But i remain free.
I cant control this urge inside of me,
Yet why would i want to.
Im where i want to be.
Or so i thought...
Love cant be bought
You left me in the dirt and my heart took its toll,
I cry inside my broken
Will i love again
Will i live once more.
Will i feel the feeling of open arms and an open door.
Will my heart ever really soar.
I know not but i wont give up.
Theres many thieves among us,
One will one day fill my cup
Theres another who can steal me,
Ill once again be where i want to be
 Jun 2014 Spt
Elizabeth Squires
the glass cliffs of the city
echo to the sound of an adrenalin rush
motor cars, buses and trucks
all in the fast lane
hectic the movement on the streets
not a second goes by without a noise filled beat
the scurried hurry
of pedestrians
all of whom are bound
to a full on gait

the quietness of a bush landscape
is a locale slow in time
there a soul can unwind
walking at leisure
through a wood of countless trees
taking a pause along the way
to listen to the hum of bees
birds twittering
their caramel tunes
catching sight of a squirrel
nibbling on an acorn husk
the glistering sun upon the river's trace
nothing can beat
the countryside's space
 Jun 2014 Spt
Circa 1994
I bled because it's the only way I knew how
to love you.
All that red.

Dip your fingers in it -
the romantic parts of me.

Color me all the shades
in the spectrum of your affection.
 Jun 2014 Spt
 Jun 2014 Spt
It's natural
to be afraid
I'm definitely terrified
of love
 Jun 2014 Spt
Bad men are children who never grow up
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