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 Jan 2015 DustBall
the bad *** words we saw
  the visions oasis brought to us
the concerts the highs
   blowing kisses and lighting matches
young and innocent
   the chords that said our souls
were lifted the song that united
   us against waste against inhumanity
that made the cosmos feel  
   and reach down to us and stroke us
that fed us like Jesus did
   all of us from one loaf
or one fish
   or made us laugh and hold each other
while listening to heaven wings
and angels here
on earth.
 Jan 2015 DustBall
Bassam A
The year has ended prosperously ..
At least for me .. I don't know about you
I accomplished most of my goals
I am glad that we got to know each other

I hope that we can find
a common ground in our book,
a single page that we both stop at and rest
For that to happen I will have to slow down
or you may speed up

I may stop and wait for you
at the next coffee shop ... "Café Je T'aime"
Hope to see you there more often
My new resolution for this year is
"to keep loving you and keep our love strong"

Wish you a Very Happy Year Anew
 Jan 2015 DustBall
Charlotte Jane
We live in a society full of insecurity
Red lips
Dark eyes
Fake tan.
Forced smiles
Closed eyes
Clenched fists,
Show no weakness
Show no mercy
Small hands on pale stomachs
Eyes constantly searching for ways to rid that extra pound
That extra curve
**** in
Deep breath
Back straight
Every calorie counts.
Is this really the world that we live in?
Is this the life that we wish to lead?
Our lives are no longer determined by the way that we think
They are not dedicated to achieving our dreams
To pursuing our goals
The way that we live is based upon the way that we look
And thus, the way that we are treated
We are always going to compare ourselves to another
That is a given
If we don't look good then we aren't happy
But for others to determine the fates of ourselves depending strictly upon a template of "perfection"?
Perfection is a disease
The very aspect of it plagues your mind
Inhabits your soul
And brings upon an individual an idea of something to achieve
That is nearly impossible to achieve
It is a roller coaster that only goes down
A concoction that only leads to inevitable heartache and pain
A poison that has no known cure
And it hurts
Perfection hurts.
I take the long way
along the way
to find my home
I pass the old place
where I used to play
once upon a yesterday
I walk down the sidewalks
avoiding all cracks
Oh ! my mother's back
It's a long way from yesterday
to everyday
and back down to here
And one is the number
between zero
which is nothing
and eternity
which is everything
 Jan 2015 DustBall
Listening Ear
 Jan 2015 DustBall
Listening ears don't come easy
Most come with mouths harbouring wagging tongues
Pouncing on the chance to retell your story
Exploiting your need to empty acrid lungs

Listening ears, they're indeed very rare
Unidentifiable no matter how well you know
Lurking behind a mask of concern and care
Sweet words employed so your cards you'd show

Listening ears could be just a myth
An idiom to quench the thirst to confide
Listening ears sometimes come with fangs for teeth
Hungering and lusting for your trust and pride

Listening ear, oh why you come with a mouth so foul
Why the cunning trickery and unscrupulous deceit
Kindness as bait, when in fact you prowl
Many none the wiser until they are bit

Listening ear, in you I gave my trust
I bared my innermost and gave my all
Hoped that you'd soothe my ailing crust
Instead you lifted me high only to watch me fall
The covenant of secret-keeping is not for everyone.
 Jan 2015 DustBall
You are the sky
While I'm of dirt and earth
Sharing the universe in separate realms
Conflicting factions, diverse births

I would forever look up
Rest my gaze on the tide of the air
And dream for our eyes to meet
Temporary eternity that we would share

I've cried many a teardrop
But you can never know
Because to you they never could reach
For into my core they'd only flow

But when you stare down sullenly
Your tears would fall, soaking my plane
I'd drink the drops voraciously
Those gifts of love from heaven's rain

Your tears would nurture the seeds I've planted
They'd take root and flourish in the sun
Resolve in my soil held firmly in place
Thinking our journey forth would've then begun

Roots would give birth to stem
Which in turn, would branch out into leaves
Plantling will eventually grow up high
To give back the love, it constantly receives

Such misfortune little sprout
You can only grow so tall
You can never reach that far
You and I can only kiss the drops that fall

So... My beautiful sky of azure
I am but dust on fate's heavy feet
We can only look to the faraway horizon
Only there could heaven and earth truly meet
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