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Mar 2020 · 1.6k
Inside my underwear
Sparky Mar 2020
Inside my underwear I thought
A red flower had fluttered in,
And stuck itself there like sap.

Inside my underwear I thought
I had spilt a spoon of strawberry jam,
It felt so sticky on my fingers.

Inside my underwear I thought
A crimson blob of sea anemone
Had swum on out of me globosely.

Turns out it was only blood,
Only blood, only blood
I wasn’t even frightened
Even when it started hurting
I’ve always found it pretty
Growing pools of tulips
Inside my underwear.
Nov 2018 · 301
Fire Eyes
Sparky Nov 2018
Fire-flecks and sunsets settle in your eyes,
Chocolate dust like copper rust, my heart replies,
Love within that globe of iris, so, so bright,
They glow in my light.

Cinnamon on winter nights, they hold me tight,
Autumn crunch on golden leaves, they love me right,
Maybe they have cast a spell, which I can't fight,
They glow tonight.
Nov 2018 · 859
Cold Hands
Sparky Nov 2018
Cold hands
Wait for yours
Fingers like lost icicles
Waiting for the thaw
Feb 2018 · 216
Your cyanide
Sparky Feb 2018
Why do you look at me
like that?
Despite the pain I cause you.
Am I your cyanide?
A cold shot to the head?

Why do you touch me
like that?
We look after our sharpest knives
with delicacy.
Feb 2018 · 499
Thought Forgotten
Sparky Feb 2018
Empty spaces
Blank mind traces
Of what I could once do
Wonderful descriptions
Unfinished stories
Of children running
From banal dangers

New depths of mental pain evoke
Change in me
How did that child think?
I can’t find the words
Or remember

The grapple for more adult structure
But simply lack the
Once proud of a sentence
Now every letter is saturated with

— The End —