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 Aug 2015 Christina
you were made for Me,
We are each others

your soft, gentle touch
Is forever going to be
hot to my skin.
Nobody else can ever feel
your caress - it's Contrived
For no one else but

you. are. mine.
Only mine.
Don’t you dare go looking
For something else.
someone else.
They can’t give you what I can

I can give you love,
I will fulfil your every desire,

I’m going to treat you the way you deserve to be treated.

“Baby, What are you doing?” you screamed,
Screamed ****** ******.
Those words will never leave my head.
The crimson liquid won’t leave my hands,

You just gotta understand.
I didn’t mean to hurt you, my sweet.
I was angry and it’s all so concrete,
So you can see why I had to treat you like a piece of raw meat.

But the thing that scared me,
Scarred me,
That wouldn’t stop bugging me…
Is that if I had a chance,
Given the circumstance…
I would do it over and over again.
When I started to write this, it was about romance and what not but for some reason my brain thought it would be interesting to write a poem about abuse from the abuser's point of view

*Trigger warning: Abuse
Its been raining all day today
Yet the only thing I can dream of
Is holding you in my arms
Kissing up your neck
And cuddling the night away

But sadly..
You are an ocean away
The girl I'm dreaming of
Yet cant even hold

The future only holds
A dream and a chance
And soon my darling
You shall be in my arms
 Aug 2015 Christina
sanch kay
slash my wrist
wait to die.
this whole living thing is taking its toll on me.
 Jul 2015 Christina
*fūck up
 Jul 2015 Christina
I laugh
At things that aren't funny
I cry sad and happy tears
Over things that don't deserve them
I frown
When I should be smiling
And vice versa
I eat ice cream
When it's cold
I have soup
When it's already hot and humid out
Doing these silly things
Might not help
But I like it that way
I'm messed up like that
But you
**** you
You're the worst kind of messed up
Because you
Kissed me harder
When you wanted to kiss another
Hugged me tight and whispered,
"I'm not ready to give up on you,"
When you already had
Looked into my eyes
Told me you cared
Even when you didn't
Because you're just that way
Messed up
 Jul 2015 Christina
jeffrey robin


She fell to the ground                                                            

But no one cared

                                             ( she was a real girl )



she wrote no poems about pretending to

" be in love "

She was a real girl who loved


Oh shadows

Can you be asked once again

To hide our shame !


the rain and the winds


The purity


A real

That doesn't cry
 Jul 2015 Christina
brooke myers
thinking of you makes my day better.
you take over my thoughts
you dont know how much
 Jul 2015 Christina
silent scars
 Jul 2015 Christina
silent scars
My heart is on fire
My mind is a liar
But you say I'm just tired
Not depressed

But I've confessed
There's this pain in my chest
And this level of sadness
Is only growing higher

Leave me alone
I want to be on my own
This place is not a home

This is where my thoughts deepen
This bed that I sleep in
Where my tears drown the sheets
And my bones weaken

Screaming at my scars to quit fading
Looking in the mirror
At this person I'm hating
Crying in the dark
While my heart's breaking

This war with myself can't be won
The plan was never to hurt anyone
Except me, my pain can't be undone

Save me from myself
I don't think I can fight
Save me from this war
Save me from tonight

Keep me from the dark
It's not where I want to belong
Save me from this war
Save me from who I've become

At this point I'm
beyond lost and confused
With a heart that's more than bruised
This tongue holding back its secrets
While I'm suicidal and
ignoring my weakness
But you still tell me I'm just a mess
Not depressed
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