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 Nov 2016 moon
Gregory K Nelson
Kindness rules Toronto,
they've institutionalized it here.
They've printed it on signs.
Socialism always breeds that slight smell of sweat spent
by the orderlies as the patients finally took over the asylum.
Victory tastes good
but the taste left over is
somehow seasoned with regret.
Full moons symbolize something similar for everyone,
something longed for,
the reach and stretch of inevitable death,
The regret of infinite moments
that might have been
if only,
the shame of an identity worn once and discarded,
The crying of the lambs
echos inside a collective mind.
 Nov 2015 moon
Vanessa Escopin
Don’t fall in love with me.
There are days when I get sad without a reason and I just stare at the ceiling with tears streaming down my face.

Don’t fall in love with me.
On those days, I don’t talk to anyone. I just bury myself in my bed and think about how I became this mess of sadness.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I will become attached to you and I will cry myself to sleep if you don’t text me good night before you go to sleep and I will convince myself that it’s because you got tired of me.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I’m too much. I will depend on you. I need attention, much more than other people. I’ll talk to you in metaphors and make you one. I’ll write poems about you and opening up my skin at 2 A.M.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I couldn’t stand you coming home to find me on the bathroom floor shaking and crying, with blood spilling from my wrists. I couldn’t stand seeing the disappointment in your eyes.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I will pour everything I’ve left of me into you, every bit of love, until I have nothing to give. Until I become completely empty.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I’m scared that my sadness is contagious.

Don’t fall in love with me.
I will replay your sweet words in my head when I hate myself so much that I want to die. Your words will be the only thing that make me stay.

Don’t fall in love with me.
You will live in fear. You won’t be able to leave me, because you’d know if you did, I wouldn’t have anything to live for.

Don’t fall in love with me.
Before I met you, there wasn’t a single person who could’ve made me stay. You’re my reason now.

Don’t fall in love with me.
Because I will fall in love with you.
By: Unknown writer
 Nov 2015 moon
Riley Key Cleary
The room was dark,
and my screen was bright.
Pale hand on my mouse,
oh I was ready to fight.

"Welcome to the rift"
the game had began.
I bought my first items,
and to my lane I ran.

I made some bad calls,
but the team had my back.
The seconds passed us by,
the deaths started to stack.

Forty-two minutes in,
neck and neck we stood.
An ace would end the game,
yet neither of us could.

With dragon on the line,
both teams vied for power.
Fighting ensued and we had won,
for their ADC chose to cower.
So If I had to guess, maybe like .05% of the hellopoetry community even plays league so I dont expect this to go far but it might be a fun read to those of you who understand it.
 Nov 2015 moon
 Nov 2015 moon
The black veil shrouds my vision
I can't see in front of me, I can't see behind
I walk on, purely out of fear for what will happen if I stop
I walk for what seems like an eternity
I panic, wondering if I'll ever escape this void
I scream, hoping someone will hear
I beg to hear another voice
I plead for relief from this torture
I start to consider stopping
I want this to end
I can't carry on like this
Nobody to help me
Nobody to care
Nobody to lift the veil
No reason to continue.
 Aug 2015 moon
 Aug 2015 moon
, I am the end of a cigarette, that fills your body with disgust and disappointment. I am  alone, and I am invisible.
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