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 Jan 2015 SomeoneSomewhere
light the sky
with my stars
that i made myself.
we can stand
hand in hand
looking at the navy clouds.
breathing air
for both of us
let the fire fade,
like our tears.
we can watch these beauties glow.
light the air
with my heart
because you and I
we are lanterns
we are stars.
The sun has no
skeleton -to
our knowledge-

It cannot break
or fracture, and
so does not think
of them

No jointed rays to
reach out or
hold like hands

porous warmth
I ignore you so that you know I am here
Dear flower
They were wrong about you
You didn't bloom
You didn't need to
you're still beautiful
but they've ruined your image
With opportunities you were never  given
"Maybe next spring"
You hear those words over and over
There would be no other option
They've planted seeds in your mind
Of everything you've done wrong
But what about everything you've done right?
In your short life
You never reached their standards
But you've reached mine
To everyone who's  supported me, You're my flowers. You are loved. You are important.

— The End —