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 Aug 2014 Susana
Beauteous Beast
My mind imagines this:

My body close to yours
My fingers entwined with yours
My foot across yours
My head inches away yours
My eyes staring deeply at yours

And then

My lips lock with yours
The word of the day:yours
 Aug 2014 Susana
 Aug 2014 Susana
I  love  the way
you make words  hurt.
I'm  bleeding.
 Jul 2014 Susana
Poetry by MAN
Tell me what you want from me
My options are infinity
I will share the energy
Generated by reality
See I am good at doing bad
Ride the emotions that I have
Poetic eyes see the lies
Truth to me cannot disguise
I am filled with mystery
Go ahead discover me
My life chapters in a book
My words will probably leave you shook
Straight I shoot to the point
Smoke your mind like a joint
People stare but cannot see
Darkness seems to flow from me
Deep inside there is a light
To keep the balance there is a fight
I will win..Then I'll lose
To be in the game is what I choose
Tell me now don't waste my time
My soul awaits between these lines..
M.A.N 7-15-13
 Jul 2014 Susana
Beautiful Shame
I don't want him in that way
He rejected me once,
When I wanted him in that way.
           But now I live my life wondering why?
          Many men like me.
          I'm good looking.
I don't get it.....
        ­                            acted
         ­   I'm not mean.
            I apologize for my mistakes.
            I'm forgiving.
What else could he possibly need?
  Why     do     I      care     !?!?
I no longer see him in that way, yet I'll do anything to just know he likes me a little.
(-.-) comment if any of you have been through a similar situation. I need to know I'm not alone on this.
 Jul 2014 Susana
Sasha Ranganath
She’s touched
By the burning fingers
Of a man
She doesn’t know.

Her hopes crushed
By the feeling that lingers
Of a night
She will always know.

Her clothes ripped
Her unheard cries,
Her body stripped
To fight she tries.

Her face is kissed
By a stranger
The man, he hissed
She’s in danger.

She is left rotten
As he walks past
Disappearing into the night
Time drags.

She thought she’d die
She believed she would
No one to hear her cry
No one understood.

With shaky fingers
And sweating chest
She wraps her skin
In clothes of strength.

She stumbled across
On to the street
She’s suffered a loss
A tragedy.

She thought she’d die
But now she wouldn’t
She didn’t cry
She knew she shouldn’t.

A girl is strong
A girl can fight
Right or wrong
A bird’s flight.

She walked home
In clothes of pride
Although scars showed
She didn’t hide.

Justice to her
Must be given
A promise to her
Must be written.

A girl is not
A piece of meat
A girl is worth
More than this feat.

A kiss from a stranger
A touch from a finger
A scream that’ll linger
For years to remember.

A girl is much more
She isn’t to blame,
Fire at the core
A burning flame.

All it takes
Is a scarring explosion
From girls sick
Of ruthless exploitation.

**She fights like a girl
She runs like a girl
She hits like a girl
She is a girl.

She's got the strength
And the power
To rule the world
And to conquer.
~A poem honouring all the girls and women who were victims of harassment and ****** abuse, but stood up and fought for their rights and value.
Also in memory of those who did not make it through the battle, but they have won the war by not backing down, but by being determined to fight for life and rights. <3
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