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There's more to this life
Than just do and die

There's more to the flame
Than the flickering light

There's more to explain
Than more of the same

There's more to an introduction
Than just saying your name

There's more than we can see
That rests on you and me

There's more to a prayer
Than just bending the knee

There's more you can find
If you don't try and hide

There's more to the question
Than the asking of why

There's more to a relationship
Than just the saying of love

Which leaves more to this moment
Than the moment to come
 Nov 2017 Sincerely Em
Just there like a sparkle in her eye
I was,
a moist glow a tear about to fall
a shine,
She made me what I felt
a heart glow,
Most careful when viewed
in her eye,
incredible the feeling
poised on the precipice
of her,
i’ve been thinking a lot
about your hand in mine
the way that our fingers
and palms intertwine

but i think about death
about loss, about worth
i admit that i fear
to return to the earth

where our bodies dissolve
into roots of a tree
and will grow into trunk
then limb, then leaf

but i've heard from a bird
that death will reverse
and your heart will beat hard
like it did at your birth

so hold on for dear life
with your hand in mine
if death makes us let go
it is only for time

© Mike Mortensen
Human nature actually wishes to grow better than before
Since man is born free under the sky or behind the door

Classic question comes what we recognize in many faces
Need to know why still a wide difference among the races

Wind of time is a song of moon for them to smell it in air
To accept the taste of true spices from a breath of sailor

For many a year, battles are fought but struggle is not over,
Some are awakened to realize they are kept under a clover

Our kids have gone their own way as chick starts a slower
Our wishes guided them on way before the music was over

Some uses pains as an art and memories as painting brush
Paint flows out of your heart in an Inspiration and a crush

I realize we wish to live without the weight of worldly fudge
To enjoy supreme gift of life to cultivate as sober as judge

We are no stranger here, ''Every heart sings a song incomplete
O my angel, until your heart whispers back to make it complete''

Written by
~~~Jawahar Gupta~~~
He made sure I knew just how lucky I was to have him
But he never hit me
He played games with my emotions repeatedly
But he never hit me
He made sure I didn’t leave the house in a skirt above the knees
But he never hit me
He knew the words to say to make me feel so small that I could not breathe
But he never hit me
He tossed me in and out, in and out, until my mind was in an out of control tizzy
But he never hit me
He messed around on the side late at night while I rested in our bed
But he never hit me
He made it clear that I wasn’t to go out at night with the girls
But he never hit me
He told me over and over again just how hard it would be to find anyone else to deal with me
But he never hit me
He fell asleep safe and sound as I laid in bed trying to catch my breath through tears
But he never hit me
He needed to have the password to every device, app and account
But he never hit me
He knew the power he held and used it over my head to weaken me
But he never hit me
He made jokes at my expense in front of friends and family and we all giggled together instead of cringed
But he never hit me
He assured me the women he texted were coworkers or colleagues but I could never know what they spoke of
But he never hit me
He made it clear that my interests and goals were not of pertinence
But he never hit me
He knew the exact words to say to take my entire day downhill
But he never hit me
He broke my heart over and over and over again until it was minuscule shreds
But he never hit me
If you or someone you know is suffering from domestic abuse please contact 1-800-799-7233 this is the national domestic abuse hotline. Abuse can happen to anyone, man or woman. It does not make you weak to seak help. <3
My love is like a jasmine flower,
Dancing in darkness and light
Shaking the fragrance of passion.
In company, with summer
She fondles sweet dreams
Collecting them roses,
Giving them butterfly kisses

My love sleeps in a magical bed,
Woven by blue sky,
Adorned with moons and stars,
And colors of hot rumor,
All hugs her every night,
Collecting her dreams smiles,
And desire,
And plant them in my heart,
Roses of chastity,
Taking me with such a bliss
To the land of freedom and light.

Written by
Jamal Abboud
Jasmine is a symbol of his country''Syria''
 Oct 2017 Sincerely Em
can I love and trust and smile and cry
all at the same time
might my limits be love trust and a smile wide as eternity
I don't like crying
I hate Forrest Gump
it makes me buy a box of Kleenex every hundred times
I've seen it.
Where crying comes in I often get all
emotional, tear in my beer sort of ****.
I like to be the one in a party watching sad movies.
TEAR CHECK!  I yell!
right after I wipe my eyes clean.
but crying is needed
I guess
and it's not reserved for sadness
I've had a lot of happy tears shed
and I guess
tears are
to  cleanse
I haven't washed  
my face for days
and tears feel kind of good
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