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 Nov 2019 Silverflame
When an orange is squeezed
Only orange juice drips out;
When a cup of coffee is pushed..
Only coffee spills out;
It's only what's inside of us
That comes out!
my body is flowing as the leaves fall off the oak trees
the sweetness of an apple
touches the tip of my tongue
as the hands of forgiveness wrap me in a soft embrace
the promise
of autumn
 Nov 2019 Silverflame
ok okay
I want to cry
But its too late
Light will arrive soon
My mind will be astray
I won't be able to smile right
They might turn me away
But if I dream tonight
Maybe just for an hour
I could pretend
That everything will be okay
Everything is ok, okay?,
 Nov 2019 Silverflame
CK Baker
the red wine stops fermenting
a young man turns to gray
the voice of truth and promise
leads one and all astray

we follow with a notion
of what may be ahead
that voice of truth and promise
has risen from the dead
stars all glittering
dwarfing imagination
we don’t even spark
Painting a black 
rainbow underneath 
a falling sky, it's mist 
consumes and eradicates 
your last breath, your 
last hope. 

They pour the drink 
you are forced to drink, 
and feed the flesh you 
are forced to eat. 

Taught to be stupid, and 
raised to be nothing, 
what's left to do, except 
make a noise so loud, fame 
will hear you. 

Your dreams will tell you what to do. 



 Nov 2019 Silverflame
In a realm of forest fires
Flames woven with broken promises and snapped heartstrings
I hope to be reborn a birch tree
Symbolic for new beginnings
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