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Nov 2014 · 401
He and Her
They started out
As just bestfriends
Made clear the
Line was not crossed.

You could tell he  
Liked her and she didnt
Know, or if she did
It did not show

But he went for it,
Not caring of the
Possibility of being

And he kissed her
Like her lips were water
And he was buried in sand

And he kissed her
Like her lips were air
And he couldn't breathe
Oct 2014 · 610
Forced (World War II)
Boys forced into war
Helmets too big
Sliding down their ears

Boys forced into war
Forced to ****
Forced to destroy

What have we done
In these bombed streets
To our camouflaged boys

Trying to ****
To get rid
of them

But what did they do?
These boys and girls
Forced into camps
Forced to die

But what did we do?
To our young soldiers
Forced to ****
Innocent people

Forced to ****
Against their will
What have we done?
To those boys and girls
Oct 2014 · 898
Little Tear
Have you ever
Stood under a cloud
And felt every raindrop fall

Every tear hit
And leaves a cool trail
As it slides down your face

But then it hangs there
Waiting for it's impending
As it dangles off your chin

And suddenly
It falls
Reaching it's final destination

Its funny how the little tear
Started somewhere
Associated with heaven
And ended up
Here on earth.

(it is a raindrop not a tear)
Oct 2014 · 7.3k
She was a hurricane of a girl
Sweeping in
Hair blowing
Destructing everything
In her path

It's a beautiful destruction
Crisp leaves
Blowing around
Autumn laughter
And hearts breaking

It's a beautiful destruction
She leaves behind
The magic of her love

She tears up land
Steals your time
Ripping your heart
Into pieces
Leaving you
Forever shattered

Oh, but what a
Beautiful destruction
You have left behind

— The End —