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Shylah S May 2015
can make me sad today

Not the air brushed skies
painted in a disarray of grays

Not the frown of a stranger
darkening the room

Not the loss of a lover
or the goodbye from a friend

As much as it hurts
All good things come to an end

But I am not sad
**I am not sad
Shylah S Apr 2015
A death sentence
but worse.

It is commended by you.
Shylah S Apr 2015
A single tear
could break my skin
when sticks and stones
Shylah S Apr 2015
I come back inside
cold from the windy winter day
worst day to wear a short sleeve
you know about my bad decisions

I sit down
hands, face and feet numb

"My hands are freezing!"

I rub them together
no warmth

You watch me
grab my hand
interlock our fingers

my heart stops
I cease to breathe
from the cold
or you
I'm not sure

You laugh
I look down

I interlocked my fingers wrong
How did I fail so terribly?


I am happy
and warm

from your warmth
or the rush of unexplainable emotions
I'm not sure
Shylah S Apr 2015
Every time I think of your face
I smile
like an idiot
a big silly grin
and it happens in the awkwardest of places
people look at me
"Is she okay?"

I don't care
make me smile everyday
Shylah S Apr 2015
I will meet the "right" person
in one who constantly
surprises me
In a good way :)
Shylah S Apr 2015
Somebody could be thinking about you
right now
hard to believe

I usually do the thinking

Could someone
at the thought of me

My brain says
probably not

My heart wants to say
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