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Shylah S Apr 2015
So, hello
My name is Shayla
I have a lot of problems
I am aloof
I am loud
I am crazy to some
But most importantly
I am me.
Shylah S Apr 2015
I can only hold so many
In the palms of my hand
Shylah S Apr 2015
How much more obvious
can I get?
Shylah S Apr 2015
She changed him for the better
But when she breaks his heart
it will all come crashing down
And I feel like there is nothing I can do about it.
Shylah S Apr 2015
I like
to fit my people
into labelled boxes.
Shylah S Apr 2015
I'm smiling at you accusing me of smiling accusing me of smiling accusing me of smiling at how much I love you.
I saw right through that smile :)
Shylah S Apr 2015
You deny being a poet
Yet every word you say

Is poetic.
How can I convince him to try poetry?
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