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 May 2016 Ysabel
it won't stop.
nothing will slow down
i ask for everything to just hang on, hold on a moment
please can you wait
just for a second

nothing ever does

so i pick
pick pick pick
pick pick pick pick pick pick
over and over and over over and over and over
and over
when that no longer satisfies the compulsion i bite down
longer, harder
until i taste blood

until it's over

at least, for now.

the blood pools at my fingertips
little red wells of humiliation

the pieces of skin collect at my feet
like a scattering of shame
a signpost of the turmoil i cannot contain

the girls around me look me up and down
whisper words of contempt and disgust


torn and bitten, i curl into fists

the teachers stare quietly
unable to pass judgement, but the pity smothers me


the urges are quiet
sated, satisfied

it's done

at least, for now
it's been far too long since my last poem. this one needed to be written. all the love x
 May 2016 Ysabel
Hey, handsome.
I can't top the sweetness you left me, but I can try.
Do you know how big of an impact you've made on me?
Sit there a moment.
In the past two days I've felt more alive than ever.
As you stretch slightly and the corners of your mouth turn upwards in concentration, think of me.
Think of how it felt when you first saw my face.
And save that reaction.
Is it ludacris to want to end this note with 'I love you?'
I rest my case.
 Mar 2016 Ysabel
"You didn't love her! You just didn't want to be alone. Or maybe, maybe she was good for your ego. Or, or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, but you didn't love her, because you don't destroy the person that you love!"

you never loved me.
 Feb 2016 Ysabel
Hina Suzuki
Please little heart
in my chest
You don't you have to
please him
for the rest of your life
He is no god
He is no angel
He is just a mortal man
But still he touch my heart
like no one ever could
oh please little heart forget him
for the sake of both of us.
Eww my stupid heart won't get over him...
 Feb 2016 Ysabel
 Feb 2016 Ysabel
         o       o
                  O      o        
•fill our beak-
er with un-
told chem-
patible  so-
lvents that
fizz... with
ix them in to get
the most homogene-
ous of solutions•introdu-
ce heat in the likes of passion
•never a clean reaction, there will
be residue• never right the first time,
failed attempts will be a few......• but once
distilled from undesirable impurity•........then
handle the mixture with utmost sensitivity........•
you'll get a result that can't be bought with money•
because this love in our hearts is the product of

pure chemistry

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