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 May 2019 Kaiden A Ward
A letter
 May 2019 Kaiden A Ward
Dear death,

I have met life,
He wants me to fight,
But I'm so weak-
So can we meet?
What do you do
When you are afraid
Of death
To the point
You’re no longer living
And afraid of life
To the point you’d rather die
Just sitting
On the edge of the world
Deciding whether to jump off
Or turn around and go play
before the sun goes down?
 May 2019 Kaiden A Ward
I have put all my trust in you, and you alone.
I have willingly handed over my heart to you, and you alone.
I have dreamt every night of you, and you alone.
I have fallen in love with you, and you alone
late night thoughts while you're sound asleep
 May 2019 Kaiden A Ward
suicide is not an option
suicide is not an option
suicide is not an option
suicide is not an option
suicide is not an option
suicide is not an option
suicide is not an option
 May 2019 Kaiden A Ward
 May 2019 Kaiden A Ward
i have survived a lot of things
i have survived from losing you
i slowly lose myself too
"I want to drown myself in music
give myself to art
forget that I have a name
and become the kind of beautiful that is only found in the heart."
 May 2019 Kaiden A Ward
she was the moon
radiating the night sky
and dancing among the stars

you were the darkness
the shadow that waxed and waned
through the phases of her life

she grew to believe
that your presence
is what made her whole

but like the full moon
she shone brightest
without you

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