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 Apr 2020 Sharvish Cheekhoory
it came in a flurry of pink and blue
my cotton candy days
of swirling colours down the length of my spine
down the length of my throat
pooling at the base of my feet
lilac tears and a blurry violet haze
puffing like smoke before my stinging eyes
and disappearing without a trace.
When I have
More time
And less to do

I turn the pages
Of a dictionary
To know
There is
More to do
Genre: Experimental
Theme: Time Matters
You love me
Like a dog loves a bone
Or a cat loves a mouse

Which is to say
You love me for a while
Until I no longer taste good

You love me long enough
To carve tooth marks into me
But not long enough for it to stop hurting

You love me
Like a tree loves water
Or the sky loves the stars

Which is to say
You love me when you need me
When I am there and there’s no one better

You love me half the time
When there’s not too much of me
When I am accentuating your beauty

You love me
Like you love yourself
Or I love myself

Which is to say
You love me sometimes
Despite all of the pain

You love parts of me
The parts that are there when I’m happy
Or when I pretend to be happy

You love me
The way you know how to
And I love you the way I do
Take away our hugs
Take away our greeting
Take away our gathering
Take away our meeting

Smiling was still
It will be ok
Giving hope for today

Now masking our face
With a fake guise
I will now have to learn
To smile with my eyes
I really hate this mask thing. It’s hiding my smile and everyone else’s. But it’s necessary. For now.
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