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Umi  Jun 2018
The Painted Wolrd
Umi Jun 2018
When everything has been said,
What is left to speak, but recurrance in my speach, over and over..
Alike a painting, drawn within a single colour which fades into darkness, as there is nothing left the sweet, majestic ink could cover.
What is the sense for me to write if the message stays the very same?
Verily, I have forgotten the answer for this question a long time ago.
Perhaps it is, but the sign that the message can be conveyed in many possibilities, ways and forms, such as stories what makes them uniqe.
So even if a painting looks all the same at some point or another,
It is still art, brought from the depths of thoughts, from within a heart
A painting is a world of it's own, but so is a poem, or a simple novel.
Because each contains the hopes and wishes, the effort and care of the person, who made it their passion to create a wonderful piece of art.
Return to the same old place, with the same old pace and you might find  joy in what you came to see yet again, before your tired eyes.
Alike an imaginated landscape drawn within your heart, the memories of a happier time might paint you a world in your head.

~ Umi
I want to give up, I really do
AmandaJane Jul 2010
Do I take you with me on this adventure I have been planning all my life?

On my journey I have dreamt of in math classes, late nights in bed,
and on lazy Sunday afternoons in the sun?

My plans for my adventure have never been static and have constantly changed over my few young years...

In my mind I have gone to Art school in Paris and backpacking through Morrocco and teaching in Costa Rica and done the Inca trail in Peru and spent time at a Kibbutz  in Israel and volunteered in India and sailed all the Seven Seas...

Now as I stand on the presipice of my Epic Journey,
not afraid, but invigorated, I have a choice;

I can go alone;  strong, fearless, ready to embrace the wolrd with arms wide open, wings spread and nothing and no one to hold me back from my dreams...

Or I can take you with me, share my adventure with you, and start a new journey that includes you?

We could make a path, you and I, through the world, where ever we choose to go, make our own adventure, new dicoveries... and have a very long journey together, and instead of worrying about old plans, make new memories.

Would you like to come with me on my adventure, my love?
Will you start a journey with me?
REAL  Oct 2013
Moon Deep
REAL Oct 2013
Dressed for cold
we met in the park

On a cold fall night

Were the only people awake
were us

walked until the morning came
walked with smiles on our faces

we were together
we were happy

Oh how i loved
the cloudy sky
and the way the air made my nose cold
cold enough to see my breath

walking on the derserted streets by your side

standing on a cliff listening to river flow away

and the lights of the wolrd made the world shine

played in the playgroud

and walking on a narrow step
trying to keep our balance  

oh the night was alive

oh how alive

we sat in a gazebo
quiet we were

wanting to kiss
but to shy

what a lovely way to spend the night
with you

with you

oh how lovely
your bright green eyes are

and your raspberry smile

how lovely
you are
kayla morrison Apr 2017
I love it,
Snapchat, facebook, candy crush
Im high.

I sit at the table where we consume meals

Im lost in a colorful, fast paced, make believe world.
Missing the real wolrd.

I love it,
The instant gratification,
2 seond tweets and 60 second vines.

I feel the arms of the internet
Wrap around me,
Hold me tight and pull me close.

Pull me from my books,
Pull me from conversation,
Pull me from life outside this
5 inch screen.

I love my addiction,
And I don't know if I'll ever leave it.
Candy Glidden Jul 2010
If I were the ocean, would you be my waves
We'd flow to the shore ever gracefully.
If I were a tree, my leaves you would be
Making me beautiful swaying so peacefully.

If I were a flower, you'd be my petals
The identity of all beauty upon me.
If I were a cloud, you'd be the sky
Holding me high for the wolrd to see.

If I were the heavens, you'd be my earth
We'd be above all known creatures that live,
If I were an Angel, you'd be my wings
Holding me strongly while guidance you'd give.

If I were your heart, would you be mine
Loving me endless and forever true?
If I were a voice, would you be the ears
Listening when I say, "I love you."

If I were weakness, would you be my strength
Turning me not away for what my heart knows,
If I were the body, would you be my soul
Giving me life, for the love my heart bestows?
Copyright2005 Candy R. Glidden
A love for a Love

When an eye for an eye will turn the World blind,
Then I guess forgiveness must be the order of the day.

When a tooth for a tooth will lead the whole World toothless,
Then compassion must be first on the agenda.

When hate for hate will lead the  Wolrd into a thrall,
Then Love must be our prayer of the day.

When a punch for a punch will lead the World into a fright,
Then peace must be water we serve to all.

When an insult for an insult will lead the world into anxiety,
Then kindness must be our Walking shoes.

When a steal to steal will turn the whole World into thieves,
Then hand over must be the code of conduct.

When hatred for hatred will lead the Wolrd into a plight,
Then brotherhood must be the dream of society.

When ego for the ego will lead to World into arrogance,
Then honor must be our moral values as people.

When pomposity for pomposity will lead the World into tragedy,
Then humility must be our purpose of life.

When loftiness for loftiness will turn the World into a place of an egotist,
Then modesty must be our behavior pattern.
love will set us free
Allan Mzyece Dec 2018
Don't let them tell you what to do!
it's all up to you!
The world was never made with their rules!
Defy Gravity if you wanna be above the rest!
We all know that you are the best, just prove it first!
This Is Your World!
Their Opinions are just optional!
You are The King/Queen Of This Wolrd!
Not Just In Your Mind!
This World Was Created For You!
Show Off your presence!
Make Them Jealous!
Feel Yourself too much!
You Rule!
Don't Let Anyone bring you down!
Their actions are just rubber bullets!
You have got an invisible golden Crown!
Your heart can never be broken because this is your world!
You can have whatever you want!
So don't you cry! Just defy Gravity and Fly!
You are more than what you think you are!
You are never gonna die if you realise that this is your world!
Masindi KEJ  Sep 2021
Dear Lord
Masindi KEJ Sep 2021
Dear lord
It's me your son
I know things have been lil sour
Between us
The distance between us is unhealthy
And it's all my fault
It seems like Ii have been in a wrong path lately
Thinking  that you have forgotten about me
Buh it was me blocking your hand
While u were just trying to help
Lord I was deceived by things of this wolrd
Thinking that am doing everything according to ur book
And i was buh  with the wrong interpretation of ur word lord

Dear lord
I miss our late night talk
Where I was confessing to you
About the wrongs I did
Lord I used to walk with pride
Knowing that you here with me
Buh I now am walking with people
Who are lost and confused
Who are not gonna be there on my worst
Lord I did that thinking that they had my back
Not knowing it's you that I lack
Cuz u used to **** all the bubbles
So that I can reach my destination
Which you set for me

Dear lord
You are who you says you are
You are the almighty God
The king of kings
You are the alpha and omega
Lord you are holy
And all I need is your glory
There is no life without you lord
Your love is genuine and pure
J J Feb 28
On and on and on
Fall Fall Fall
Coursed trek under ceaseless fire,
attempted to debate
and ended up
in the same place the
   next day as it was the day before--
death is the only thing
only to be made sacred as a coping method
--I cannot trade my remaining days
to look into the eyes of the dead once more--
of the living thru divinity absorbed

Same as the aeons-old saints that travelled endless caves and exited poorer

as they who sit legs in a basket
with homemade-shoelace-diadems crowning their head in the corner of their bedroom floor
as is the meek and deceiving and loving&caring and the useless.

Yes,I used to speak without thinking but I concussed for two years straight so how could you blame me?
On and on it's like we never stop falling
  even when we go our separate ways.
Time takes away everything, and there's no way around that.
And I was so young once and I was so inlove once that I
Forgot conjoined-twins were born together before later-on being severed...
I'm cold as the winter, it was a cold-*** December without you for the first time in a long time,
--won't find your way to what you're looking for when you don't know where you're going--

the fallout kills us before us the ******* bomb explodes.

We pluck stars from the sky and split them into sugary atoms and return the scrambled constellations like ill-fitting clothes yet you refuse to be proud of me anymore
a genius builded on words alone then kicked in head until he's no brain left hahahaha ***** who cares who cares for arguments at any rate

When we were born into a wolrd where it's so easy to get the last word in
A malediction spat out in the heat of the moment,if you had a heart it wouldn't forgive you babe
Your burdens aren't mine to bare or to forget
I knot my skin into blistery folds of rottiningess
Just kidding
don't worry about me
I doubt you ever did,though
So really what am I saying?
I'd deform my feet walking countries
for you to lock the door and laugh at the window,
You don't learn you just embrace your worst I've been there
Trust me babe
I've been more
Than out of control
I've been more than a taken out pawn
I've been more than your babe
I've been more than unfairly blamed
I've been worn to nothing

and we've both been through less than we deserved but who's counting
their blessings?
I get so sick sometimes but I'm not waiting for nothing
other than said sickness to pass.
Tony Anderson  May 2019
Tony Anderson May 2019
To venture into the unknown
To stretch my limits
To boldly go where I have never gone before

If I never try somthing new
If I never teke on new challenges
I will never truly grown
In person
In mind
In body
In soul
In spirit

At times there will be points where I want to quite
I can not
For I can not and will not let the wolrd win
At times there will be great heartaches
I will not let it keep my down

The challenges of life
Are not stumbbling blocks
However they are stepping stones
Each step takes me
Higher into selfawareness
Fuller in the knowledge of
My own abilities
My own streangths
My own desire to progress and move foward

— The End —