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Iska  Sep 2018
Iska Sep 2018
You asked me why I love you
And here’s a couple of reasons why:

You hold me like you can feel the
World, twirling on its axis
And if you let go we will both start spinning in an unending dance
And as we drift and glide among the stars we will slip and slid in the affections of the heart.
So instead you hold me
And I hold you, as if I never want to let you go, because while the stars are breathtaking, they lack the warmth of home. And while the dance is dizzying it’s hard to breathe without you.

Your eyes.
I could go on for days about your eyes. They entice me in their depths. The way the sunlight hits them in a wave of golden sparkles and then, you smile and I feel like i have a sunset for blood and a stardust heart. The way they light up as you behold the world.
The way your pupils dialate when they behold me. As if I am a star bright enough to burn away the world until it is just a breath, and a blur of color between our heart beats.

Your voice.
The way it rises and falls with the crisendo of your emotions. The way your breathing breaks up the beat of a steady sentence. The way it caresses my name like the breeze caresses a lilac blossom on a spring morn. The way it lulls me into a dreamy trance from which I have no desire to escape.

Your heart.
The way it’s song shifts, and tempo picks up, just a bit as I run my fingers over the smooth surface of your skin. The comforting rhythm beneath my ear as we match breathing before falling into dreams grasp. The way your heart strings tug and tangle when you fall in front of someone in need. How it pangs for those who have more misfortune then you. The way it’s song floats around me like wishes on the wind and tangled with my own until my own beat seems infinitely more beautiful and alien at the same time.

I have this irrational fear
That you will leave me
To chase after a brighter star.
And I don’t know how to react
But I do know, that if you did..
        I would let you.
And every night I would look up at the moon and we would agree
that you and the sun are alike.
Both so pretty and both just out of reach. And I would find solace amoung the moonbeams as I watch you spin dazzlingly amoung the sun as you dance between the stars.
Carlo C Gomez May 2021
Come rhyme with me
In a bit of
But suppose
We juxtapose:

Lemon drop
Tear drop
A­ little heaven on earth
Before all hell breaks
Paul Meadows Dec 2013
I, the one, to the beauty of such exposed,
That held the lamps and shades, and windows and woes.
From under cracks and above doorways, I see
What's left of a thought, an old distant memory.
Grown in the field, a love tucked away
Ending not far, a sundrop shall sway.
There, rocky cliffs and birds flying high
beauty enough for flowers,
and beauty enough for I.
We and the forest, and the forest and we
again shall know the lines to be.
And be, my love, in the storm we shall dance
and shiver, together, in our Mother in nature's hands.
Scott Schroeder Dec 2011
Fingertips dance through fog,
Particles alight in treetops,
Waves ripple upon his face,
Cities below, nature engulfs us,
On the mountain top, winds blow:
I turn not from society, yet find essence far from man,
He is all that I have been, and will be,
I reach out to touch a single sundrop, and feel,
Duality in an instant, yet still I am me.
After a hike with my son.
Jamie L Cantore Mar 2017
Solemn at sundrop, upon the heavy Terrain I mused,
My sour heart was bittering; a heady
Moon I perused.
Peer & whisper Sorrow to you, Moon,
Sigh for sigh gave
I, as vespers weary into dimmet Soon.
Tears upon grass
That wail, Aye! sparkl'd by 
 Dim lit ray: but
Steeped in my way,
I mused on the abject fools
Which so do pass
O'er bleakness. Alas!
One with I claim I!
As she clearly befell,
Nightfall raised her well!
wordvango Aug 2016
on the aged blinds, all dusty
filled corners of spiderwebs,
the dusky remembrances
sat a reign of yesterday's
fog filled eyes
the  bluish hue
random splotches
which glasses none
have a cure for
I recall her
her in glory
like it was yesterday
sweet as a sundrop
cool as a new wind
soft as the mellow song
as a cub
new as the day was then
Rachel Glen  Nov 2019
Rachel Glen Nov 2019
do you remember what it felt like to be in that dark place
as it suffocated, choked, fell like inky black tar,
we felt like we would never be able to surface.

do you remember what it felt like to hold hands for the first time
as you reached out into that endless space,
your hands so very rough against mine.

do you remember what it felt like to end up falling
as the gravity reversed around our hearts and the light exploded,
and i could finally drown in those warm brown eyes.

i loved you with all the butterflies that were inside
as they would sing your name and spin and spiral.

i loved you with every heartbeat that left me weak
when it would flutter and try to catch flight.

i loved you with every sundrop that fell between us
as we made love out by the tall grass that warm night.

i guess what i am trying to say is that good things
can come from broken hearts and when i forget
i can look into our stitched hearts
and remember that
i love you.

— The End —