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jen  Nov 2014
Falling out of love
jen Nov 2014
That moment i felt so safe I felt like nothing will break me away or action or touch made me feel so alive till you made me hurt but yet I stode with hope and faith that you will make everything better but yet I couldnt believe you made everything worse u gave me pain missery sadness and tears on my face the way you started making me feel was so full of sorrow and regret I never felt I felt I betrayed myself I hated every inch of me because I still stode with you beyond all the pain I consived with you just because I thought you was the one for me but now I dont know what to say I feel nothing when im near you I feel soulless like when you first learn how to love you dont know where to start or how it will end im still hurt but its hurt of that I realized I have fallen out of love for you I dont cry no more I just feel I dont know like you wasent the one beyond all the time that passed we just wish we can rewind
Storm Raven Oct 2015
We are dancers,
Teardrops form a sad melody,
Forsaken in the crying woods of death,
Missery and sorrow join us.
We are dancers,
You and me,
Our sadness forms the beat,
Dancers of the national ballet of depression.
We are dancers,
You and me.
Just trying something
All I ask is an antidote allowing all adults around the atmospher an appointment about arguing.
Because brother basic bodies are bound to believe bragging & bribing basically being broad brings about the best. But be
Cautious, cause carpets can't carry couches alone, concrete creeps. Causing careless catholic christians to create children.
Don't **** the deranged, dedicate the distaste to the drugs. drinking, and dumb deeds that did it.
Even Eminem explains enternal emotions excellently.
For fear feeds frusttration, though frustration can find fun in fornitcation. Foul. Focus on friends and family.
Getting grouchy gonorrhea grants graves too gorgeous gilrs. Game over.
However, having ****** hardly helps handsome happy hands.
Indicating interesting intakes, involving inception in indecive individuals.
Just joking, jealousy just justifies Jose Cuervo.
Kinddling kindness kidnaps king kong's kingdom.
Learn like lovers, loathing little, liking largely, letting laughs live loudly.
Maning mold mountains out of mud, make missery monogamous with merry.
Never neglect the notion of nice.
Optimism overcomes others opinions.
Personally, persisting perfection probably puts pessimistic patterns in people's personalities.
Quietly questioning their quality.
Rest assured reading random reactions really is redundant.
Searching someones soul secretely sends self salvation.
Take turns, tell truths, talk, these things take time, they are talents to be treasured.
Understanding ultimatums unlocks unlimited unison.
wandabitch Jan 2013
I am goodbye this fear of the world,
Gravity hurts in a whispered word.
Take back choice and laugh on through.
Art darts and target hearts
Can sing the blues,
But not like
The gift

Taking lessons in the outer rim
Grounded to the earth
And then,
With a flip I change the pen,
To stir the thought that
Dwell within.

With form drawn to
Bend and twist,
As the fire
A poet's sin.

Dying with random misfortune.
And missery.
Charmed the last time.
Shelly Chandler Mar 2012
A thousand miles away
Alone in the dark of night
Somethings missing
Somethings not right
Silence fills the room
Like humidity in the air
Lacking breath
Near is my doom
Sadness consumes me
Down into my bones
Laughter and happiness all around
Yet non that I can see

In enters worry
He controls me Invades my thoughts
Makes my world become blurry
As he spins a new being
From his own wicked thread
Wishing he would leave
Needing you to be near
He insists upon my hospitality
Giving me nothing
But hopelessness and dread
Please let me go
Allow me to be free
Free me from this evil

He is worry's favorite company
He spins the wicked thread
Tighter and tighter
Around my neck
Like thieves in the dark of night
My will - they steal
Life fleeting
Gasping for air
My love, my heart, hear me
Remind me of your love
Sit next to me
In the depths of this pit
Hold my hand
Till the monsters release me
From their grasp of death, doom and dread
Breathe sweet life into my lips
Stay till all is still

Breath again slow
Not labored and raspy
Fall into a deep sleep
Head in my lovers lap
Wrap me in your love
Safe now, consumed in you
Ray  Feb 2012
Ray Feb 2012
I fall to the ground and sip back the poison
Whimpering while the voices scream at me
"You're worthless, you're fat,
you *****, you *******
you're trapped, stuck here with them
you'll never leave your missery,
the years will pass and so will your life
your meaningless life filled with
unaccomplished dreams and failed promises"
I collapse in a pathetic heap
admitting my defeat to them
taking one last sip
as I reach for the gun to shut them up
once and for all
Warren-Johnson  Aug 2018
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
Think i lost this one hopelesly
The fight be done!
Yes you sad insipid strugle im done with you!
Oh but only missery to spew!
Damaged i cant recover!
I cant fix this thing!
Oh was it ever mine to have !
Not as it be said but for who actually depend and rely on me!
My true failure!
Not going to be there!
Not much to depend on anyhow!
Comfortably Numb
wandabitch  Jan 2013
wandabitch Jan 2013
I look around and am left hanging like a washed up college house,
In my present fix
There is no forward bound.
I want to write...
I want to fight...
Burn fresh fire in a darkened hearth,
Dream and inspire the laughs of tomorrow,
Old Hermes carried me well.

Does choice hang heavy in thought?
Will the heavens take back a star?

And when will courage meet destiny
In life?

Idiology takes my hand and cries
Much to vain with a scarlet smile.

Break a false name
And attach to missery in swing.

Take back the moon
I am zero gravity.
Idiot (ology)
Karijinbba Dec 2020
When a man one adores
shows up a call girl photo card,
make sure you love him more
then you love yourself,
to let such sweetheart
true love best lover go,
like I let mine fly off.
My king understood love by his woman's  jealousy dinamics
shown for him. I understood love
by the trusting self assured
non jealous attitude owned.
So, for this kind of lover.
Fight for his love do cry!
Instead of letting this jeweled king
go to his call girls like I did because
his joy and happiness
was above and beyoud my own.
iI turns out he had given me all his love in written prenuptial contract and had no love for no other queen or slave or call girl to give her he was telling me he was my true love
only mine after two decades!
Foolish me was amnesic and couldn't speak up about the plot of his ancient prenuptial was since he told me
he was married and to never
look back  then he cursed me
to hate him from afar and move on;
which I did, but I didn't choose right .
I fell victim of human predators.
because his lyrics deceived my naive soul in youth I did not tell him I loved him and I lost his love.
slowly but sureky he took his Kammazutra back but I had my own
and just like him my lover brain sixty nine I give to noone I haven't found one worthy to be loved. .
It's disastrous and very foolish.
As I observe a lifetime after,
we both adored each other
in our own well intentioned ways
interchangeably even but other
forces conspire dod to wreck us up.
  without wanting to or knowing how.
We both understood love
in different ways;
this interpretation was
both our downfall my demise was only silence for in my mouth lips and words I had my cure to his live enchantment and end eternal love.
His Karma had pledged
in his Rhett Buttler past life,
he would search world wide,
or buy love if he had to,
but he was going to be loved
only in his way.
So we both lived out our destiny
but life was never the same
ever again as that which
was between us we were identical within m, twin flanes twin souls

Without him physically
my existance was like a dream.
more often like a nightmare.
I lost everything,
and everyone I ever adore.
like a house if cards it came
tumbling all down and,
it materialized even here on HP
since then I learned to close doors
to disconnect say good bye
but to my twin no good bye
it's impossible.
I feel blessed and cursed.
all in all I found misery and pain.
By Karijinbba 1974-95 & on.
TheTruth Seeker Jun 2013
Lost in the sun
walking the same old road I've been walking for too long
when will the road end in peace
when will the wind ******* a new path to walk
I dream of a day
where there is no pain and suffering in my life
I keep walking this road that destiny and fate both have thrown my way
I feel this rotting toxicaition
eating at my heart
the pain and suffering is a tribulation in itself, that no man wants to endour
Filled with shadows of a will-less man
Clawing and digging my way out of a cynical joke that life has played
Feeling anger towards a god that didnt give me a perfect life,
but instead a life of missery
where all I seek is happiness and peace in my world of "Nirvana"
Dennis Scherle  Dec 2014
Dennis Scherle Dec 2014
Every smile is to be paid double its weight in pain, paid outright and full before intrest is gained. I escaped depressions grasps for first 12 years of my life. Someone forgot to tell me what i owe, now i dont mean to seek pitty with my tale of missery and woe. But it seems some nights the devil takes a certain interest in my crimson eliqour of life. he to just wants to see it pour from my veins flow like silk down my leg and hear me say.. nothing.. no cry for help in fear someone would notice the scars i cover with my pair of jeans. Some say its in that that i aquired such a lovely taste a hatred for myself. Others have told me to get over it, everyone feels depressed sometimes, but most nights i dont see the light my path is a foggy stormy night sailing without the stars you can not tell me its the same and im the one who should lay the blaime on myself  for letting it get this bad.
Birdy To Be Free May 2015
Tears can't stop flowing
letting my eyes float above reality

it's not real
but still you're standing there
at my missery
I can see you ther STANDING
It's not real.... hehehe...
it's not real...
"But my dearest darling"
it's not real...
Halucinations aren't fun
Tell me in ways of desperation
She's saying my name a **** from the raider nation
Under the sun rays of sin city waste land
We could've been made but u had me pacing
Im taking all fades like the time Im facing
Tell me in ways of desperation
She's playing them *****'s Trump in hand never changing
She's looking away but I had her craving
Pmoney my game and I'm never waiting
Could've made you my main but I'm always taken
Tell me in ways of desperation
Tell me in ways of desperation
Hated the fame but the money raked in.
They called u insane throughout your training
They put you in chains until your breaking
Now your stuck in those reins steered by satan
Tell me in ways of desperation
Could've been my brain that's always tainted
The look of shame on his face was painted
Dead I remain cause Im always hated
Was it the pain you retained that keeped u naked
Tell me in ways of desperation
Moments are stainded missery created
Your leaving me to blame and my life was slowly shaded
Were you feeling the same as we became separated
These clouds will rain as our love was faded
Tell me in ways of desperation
Tell me in ways of desperation

— The End —