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  Nov 2015 al
aubrey sochacki
you were a scatter of light
in my world of darkness

you pulled me in
with your dark brown eyes

your voice echoed
through me for days

i want to be yours
i want you to be mine
What what I wrote a poem, finally!
al Nov 2015
My old poems are like a diary.
I reread them and they take me back
to a me that I can barely remember.
But it was me.
My old poems are my past.
They are my memories,
my pain,
my love.
My old poems are still a part of me.
Those memories are still a part of me,
even though sometimes
*I like to pretend they are not.
  Sep 2015 al
Melissa Sherwood
When you miss someone
The amount of time they are away shouldn't matter
You miss them the same on the last minute of their absence as you did on the very first moment they left your sight
  Aug 2015 al
There must be meaning

If we are doomed to find it

All our lives
Thoughts at dinner. I can go from comical to existential in less than 5 seconds
  Aug 2015 al
Isn't it strange?
You've been living with yourself all this while
But you can't even figure out who you are.
Let's be honest here. I know myself completely but there are some parts of myself that make me feel so frustrated. So no one really has the right to call out on our ******* because who knows who we really are.
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