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 Sep 2016 SE Reimer
I made it another day without you here with me.
I wonder how many more days I will have to go without you.
Sometimes I think about how my life was when you were here.
My life got worse and I stopped living after you weren’t here anymore.
I know you’re out there somewhere living life, breathing, eating and laughing.
While I mourn you, I will always miss you.
I will always love you.
 Sep 2016 SE Reimer
Doug Potter
I can not find Mae's recipe for Swedish rye bread;
I thought it was taped to the fridge next

to obituaries, and the phone number
of Joon’s Korean restaurant.  She knew

the bread recipe the way one knows the feel
of a lover’s back or a favorite character

of a cherished book.  I seldom think of her,
mostly when I am hungry or cold.  Today

I am both, and it is only September;
what will become of me by December?
 Sep 2016 SE Reimer
Ma Cherie
Close my eyes
lost amid
drifting  sand
I see a hand
can't understand
time softly
whispering in silence
from the far side of the moon
a gated tunnel
I am haunted,
I am wanted
a ghostly shadow
peering in,
glowing skin
so I,
dream of you

I dream of you

I dream of you
.... again.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Haunted I am...
 Sep 2016 SE Reimer
Mike Hauser
Show me the path
That's narrow and straight
I'll put on my shoes
And be on my way
I'll turn to the blues
And tell them to stay
If my shoe strings come loose
I'll leave them where they lay

There won't be a thing
Holding me back
I'll throw over my shoulder
A single backpack
With nothing in it
As there'll be nothing I lack
As I follow in life
This chosen path
 Sep 2016 SE Reimer
Austin Bauer
When you're young,
You may write to
Your latest infatuation.
Or, maybe out of
Teenage angst, you'll
Write to yourself -
Catharsis for your built up
Anger and frustration.

When you're a little older,
You might write about your
Wedding day,
The vows to your bride.
Or maybe when you bring
Children into this world,
You'll write about
The fear that comes
From becoming a father.

In your thirties
Disappointment may come,
And you may find
Yourself writing to
The man you were 10 years ago -
Wishing you had taken the
Other path in that yellow-leafed forest.

When you hit your midlife crisis
You might write about the things
You have or have not done...
Or maybe you'll write about
Your newly found passion:
Harley Davidson Motorcycles,
The rumble between your toes.

Retirement brings the turn of the line
As "every season has its sign".

In your older age,
You may cease to write
For the muse of your youth.
More and more,
Your poems will end
With the words,
"In memory of..."

Each one reminding you
To be thankful
For the sock that helped you
Find the book that was loaned
To you months ago,

And you will notice things like
Those naked-spring-branches
So harmoniously intertwined -  
A piece of art that
No painter would be able to emulate
With a thousand brushstrokes.

And as you sit down to reflect
On the typed documents
Of your life's work,
You have a friendly conversation
With a long-distance friend,
Reflecting on it all.
This poem came out of reading Carl Dennis's "Practical Gods".  He writes a lot of poems in memory of those he cares about.  It just made me think of how our poetry changes over the years.  

The quotation in line 29 is from the Jason Upton song "God's got a Reason for Everything". There are also allusions to "The Road Not Taken" by Frost, and "Laundry Day" by Carl Dennis.  Lastly, the last stanza refers to a video I saw where Bono and Eugene Peterson discuss the Message translation of the Psalms.
 Sep 2016 SE Reimer
Austin Bauer
In a house
Near the loch
Awaits a bride
For her wedding day.
Soon her groom
Will take her hand.

Extending his hand,
At his father’s house,
Out reaches the groom
Toward the loch
Saying, “in a handful days
I will have my bride.”

Meanwhile the bride,
With her gentle hand,
Writes the day
On invitations in her house;
Sending thoughts across the loch
Toward her groom.

Simultaneously the groom
Thinks of his bride,
Receiving her thoughts from the loch.
His promise on her hand,
Hers is in his father’s house,
But he won't see it until the day.

In just a few short days
With his friends the groom
Will leave his father’s house
And await the bride
To take her hand
At the ceremony near the loch.

And in the city of the loch
Their lives most historic day
Will be when they take each other’s hands
And the groom
Will have his bride
And will make a home of their house.

But until then… Toward the loch the groom,
Awaiting the appointed day of his bride,
With lovesickness stretches his hand toward her house.
a sestina.
 Sep 2016 SE Reimer
He hugged me
Tears running down his face
I felt him shudder
For the whole human race

Just who condemned him
Has always been clear
The righteous
The believers
The possessors
Of fear

Yet sympathy
I felt
For the Devil
Because forgiveness
   Runs through my veins...
Traveler Tim

We pay our debt sometimes.
 Sep 2016 SE Reimer
I had that epiphany moment where I realized I was
more than the ordinary
tightly dressed caped zero
capable of saving living things
like  kittens
stray dogs and I don't throw frogs against walls anymore
nor do I willingly hurt my nemesis
I try to tame them
with a song a dance trance them
you might call me
the reality show superhero
if I wanted to I could win
American Idol
but that would take precious time
away from my fighting crime
I sing to my dog and she sings  back
like she does when she hears sirens
and I could win a dance contest
I  dance with my kittens
or try to
they are still young enough to be skittish
I am truly a superhero to them
when I open a bag of chips or fry
pork chops
in olive oil and  spice them with garlic salt
which they think is catnip
and I write in a cape
and go sailing over clouds over
type stuff
I know I am
a superhero
to them
to me
and Gotham
and Clayhatchee
and home for them
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