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 Aug 2020 Shadiya Zubair
The porcelain shell of his,
Hid his vulnerabilities
As he went on to only find
Cracks that expose him
To the storms that
Rage over the cracks.
While the devil plays
His trill with glee.
He then realised the shell wasn't enough for his mind.
So what if you were like a star that lit up my life
Plenty of stars are still here
You were like one
Thank goodness you weren't actually one
 Aug 2020 Shadiya Zubair
 Aug 2020 Shadiya Zubair
Days filled with boredom,
I eagerly wait for my nights.
For sailing to faraway worlds
And live on my terms.

An escape is what I seek
From the Mundane to the extraordinary.
To soar the skies free,
Where I am not weighed down.

Every morning reality
Drags me up from my dreams.
From the colourful to the drab
And live to a set of rules.

We chase all day;
What others achieved.
Nothing is ever enough and
Expectations are never satisfied.

The never ending cycle continues
And I seek peace at night.
Until life finally ends,
I shall savour my dreams.
 Aug 2020 Shadiya Zubair
 Aug 2020 Shadiya Zubair
with her two dimesional spectacles
and security blanket hair,
she embodies the saying -
'there is a thin line between love and hate.'
and now i'm teetering off the edge,
blind to where i fall.
the feeling,
the same both ways.
she views the world in a narrow way but.
 Aug 2020 Shadiya Zubair
On my journey to the never land
Where amber waves stretch far and bright
People trek with their vase hugging it tight
For their fear to lose their tiny vessel of joy

On my journey to the never land
Where pitfalls lurk in the shadow of trail
Some just alighted for a break
While some people camped their life
with their vase

On my journey to the never land
Where broken dreams shatter
The place was filled with mourning air
For their vessel, they didn't take care

On my journey to the never land
I found myself lost in this trail,
We're about to cross
Where's my vase did I left it there?
We all have our vessels of happiness that we carry in our life long journey. Some chose success in life while struggling to carry their vessel of happiness, some chose to stay contented with their happy life, some mourn for they have lost theirs. While some are just lost because they haven't found their vessel or maybe they have lost it already, no one knows.
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