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 May 2015 Laura Thomas
Nothing but your words
Float in my head

Nothing but your words
Heavy as lead

Nothing but your words
Hang by a thread

Nothing but your words
Fill me with dread
A poem about overthinking and social anxiety.
 May 2015 Laura Thomas
Day Wing
 May 2015 Laura Thomas
Day Wing
There’s this girl I love
So much really
She’s the only one who knows me
From my utmost serious till my extreme silly
I’m just nobody actually
But through some miracle, she fell for me
She’s made me happy day after day
I hope she won’t leave
Just like everyone who I thought would always stay
 May 2015 Laura Thomas
 May 2015 Laura Thomas
Big ears
Small nose
Frizzy hair
Chubby thighs
Scars on legs
Birthmarks on arms
Small *****
Flaws are nothing to be ashamed of
They are our hidden roadmaps to places only we really know
Embrace every flaw that covers your body
They make you, you.
its been a while
since my eyes have seen a dry night
i don't know
who's to blame
if its worth any at all
blame, i mean
i know this isn't worth tears
yet they are eager to fall
they are willing to be seen
they are much braver than me
 May 2015 Laura Thomas
Thinking about him:

Being around him:

Talking to him:

All that's left is
cardiac arrest...
Far from poetry, but I found this while I was cleaning my room and thought it was interesting. I think I wrote it a couple years ago.

— The End —