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Savanna Noelle Aug 2015
A star goes out
unnoticed by all
down here
But up there
so far awa
a section
of The Universe is thrown
into chaos
A speck that used to shine out
in the sky
is extinguished
No one notices
No one cares
But nothing
will ever be the same
A star has died-
become a black hole
What is inconsequential
is the undoing of
another World
the obliteration
of another speck
Savanna Noelle Aug 2015
The sky is changing.
The wind has shifted.
The pattern of the tides is broken.
Clouds settle over distant mountains.
A storm is brewing.
Divine forces are at war,
Tearing the balance
Between Light and Dark,
Good and Evil,
Right and Wrong,
Life and Death.
Flee before the wrath
Or perish,
For now it rains a rain that will never cease.
The wolves have come down from the hills,
Hungry and full of hate.
Hunting through the Forest;
Hunting through the Village.
They prowl, ever watchful,
Waiting for the Heavens to drip red.
The End has come at last.
The Universe itself is dissolving into nothing.
Fire illuminates the skies.
Tremors travel through the ground.
Lightning reaches its long, spindly fingers
Down, down, down
From the clouds of ash that spew from the Fire Mountain.
Hope is lost.
Dreams fall to their knees,
Laughter is extinguished,
Wails of agony taking its place in our hearts.
Death is all around.
The forests are ablaze,
The mountains are crumbling,
The Seven Seas evaporate into space.
The Devil sits on his Dark Throne,
Joy shining in his eyes as he watches The Pearly Gates fall.
Screams fill the air.
The Sun is no more.
The Moon is no more.
The constellations have disappeared.
The River of Time flows crimson
As all light is obliterated.
The world has met its demise,
And what can we do but burn?
Savanna Noelle Aug 2015
If a tree falls
When no one's around
How do we know
If it still makes a sound?
If a star disappears
And no one sees it go
Then how, I ask you
Did we know it ever glowed?
If a girl hides her pain
And pretends that she's fine
How will anyone know
That she's dying inside?

— The End —